Rock Codes Editor

Use this dialog to edit the selected rock codes file.

Edit Rock Codes dialog options

Rock Codes 1:16


List of (16) rock codes as defined in the previously selected rock code file.

To edit, click the rock code button to access the Edit Rock Code Parameters dialog.

  • For more information on editing rock code parameters, press the F1 key when you have an open Edit Rock Code Parameters dialog.
  • Description

    Description of rock code.

    To edit, type inside rock code Description box.


    Pattern defined for rock code.

    To edit, click in rock code Pattern box. The Pattern Attributes dialog will be displayed.

    [Populate from Channel]

    Click the Populate from Channel button to open the Select Data Source dialog. Selected channel unique items are added to the rock codes list.


    Click the Previous button to return to the previous Edit Rock Codes dialog that displays the previous 16 rock codes as defined in the selected rock code file. A maximum of 256 rock codes is supported.


    Click the More button to display the next Edit Rock Codes dialog that displays the next 16 rock codes as defined in the selected rock code file. . A maximum of 256 rock codes is supported.

  • For more information on editing rock code parameters, press the F1 key when you have an open Edit Rock Code Parameters dialog.