From-To – Drillhole Import – XLS/MS Access Database/ODBC

Use this tab to specify the import parameters for the from-to data to be imported into a Drillhole database.

From-To Tab options

From-To View

Specify the from-to view to import.


Click this button to rename the selected From-To sub tab.


If you have more than one From-To view to import, click this button to add another From-To sub tab.


Click this button to delete the selected From-To sub tab.


By default, the first from-to view to import will be named FromTo_1. Subsequent from-to sub tabs that are added will be named FromTo_2, FromTo_3, etc… These can be renamed using the Rename button.

If the import data contains an "assay" table, an automatic matching with the destination table name will be made and the first from-to view to import will be named "Assay."

Database Fields

The database fields that are available for import. Select (highlight) a field to specify the Channel Type and Parameters.

Filter Conditions

Click this button to open the Filter Conditions dialog.
Channel Type

Not imported

Select the Not imported radio button if you do not want the selected (highlighted) Database Field to be imported.


Select the Data radio button if you want the selected (highlighted) Database Field to be imported as Data.

Hole ID

Select the Hole ID radio button if you want the selected (highlighted) Database Field to be imported as Hole IDs. This is a required channel.

Depth From

Select the Depth From radio button if you want the selected (highlighted) Database Field to be imported as depth from data. This is a required channel.

Depth To

Select the Depth To radio button if you want the selected (highlighted) Database Field to be imported as depth to data. This is a required channel.


Select the Assay radio button if you want the selected (highlighted) Database Field to be imported as assay data.


Select the Sample radio button if you want the selected (highlighted) Database Field to be imported as sample data.


Select the Standard radio button if you want the selected (highlighted) Database Field to be imported as standard data.


Select the Duplicate radio button if you want the selected (highlighted) Database Field to be imported as duplicate data.

Field name

Specify the "Field name". This field is read-only for required channel types.

Data type

Specify the "Data type". This field is read-only for required channel types.

Data format

Specify the "Data format". This field is read-only for required channel types.


Specify the alpha and/or numeric characters to be used as the dummy. The default is (*).


Click the OK button to import the data into drillhole databases.

Application Notes

Once all the required channels are specified, “Ready to import From-To View data” will display at the bottom of the tab. OK can only be clicked once the required channels have been mapped to a database field.

Excel Database (XLS) Import

The Microsoft ADO software that we use to read and import XLS files only scans the first 20 rows or so of the data. It then makes a decision about the type of data based on what it sees (it will generally ignore the first row because it is used for titles, etc.)

If there is no data in the first 20 rows of a column, it assumes all values are type "string". This would be fine, but any actual values stored numerically are no longer picked up by the ADO software, and are reported to Oasis montaj as being "VT_NULL" type, that is, blank!

Therefore, to ensure that a numerical column in Excel is imported, there MUST be a value in the first 20 rows or so.

The numeric type entered in the wizard (e.g. string/float) controls only the type of the channel created in the database; it has no effect on whether the data will be recognized or picked up during the import.

We have tried to get around this Microsoft limitation, but with no success.

The workaround is either to re-order the original data so that there are data values in the first 20 rows, or to export to another format (example CSV) and import it that way.