Drillhole Plan - Page Layout Tab

Use this tab to specify the page layout of the plan plot(s).

Page Layout Tab

Map Setup

Page size

Select a page size from the drop-down list. Click on thebutton located to the right of the field to add a new/edit an existing page size.

Map scale

Specify a map scale in the Map scale box, or click the Auto button to determine the map scale based on the data extents and the selected page size. Once a scale has been chosen, it may still be necessary to correctly position the plan on the Plan Location tab. Different map scales may be required depending on the page size, the map layout, and whether the Plot grid in plan view and/or Plot legend options are included.


Plan map scale units. This is for reference purposes only. The units are obtained from the projection contained in the project, or specified in the Oasis montaj user settings.

Map name tag

The name tag of the plan map.

The following naming conventions are used for plan maps. In the following examples, the second example is the map name with the optional tag "_tag".

  • Collar Maps: "PlanC.map" or "PlanC_tag.map"
  • Pierce Point Maps: "P1000ZP.map" or "P1000ZP_tag.map". The reference elevation appears in the map name.
  • Full Trace Maps: "PlanT.map" or "PlanT_tag.map".


If a Map name tag is entered, and the Prefix option is enabled, the tag is added to the beginning of the file name.

With "tag_" as the Map name tag, the output names will be:

  • Collar Maps: "tag_PlanC.map

  • Pierce Point Maps: "tag_P1000ZP.map". The reference elevation appears in the map name.

  • Full Trace Maps: "tag_PlanT.map


Plot holes

Check to plot holes or traces on the map. If not checked, only the reference grid and/or optional data/image grid will be displayed.

Plot grid in plan view

A data grid or image can be plotted behind the hole traces in the plan map. This could be, for instance, the local topography, or some geophysical or geological property.

Plot section view

Check to plot a section view on the plan map. An E-W section is taken along the horizontal middle line of the plan map. Its thickness is equal to the northing extent of the plan map, and is centered at the reference elevation (specified on the Plan Location tab).

[Map Layout]

Click this button to display the Plan Map Layout dialog. Use this dialog to define your map layout; for more information click the Help button on the dialog.


Plot legend

Check to plot a legend on the plan map.

List holes

Check to list plotted holes in the legend area of the plan map.


Check to plot borders around the legend.

Compass diagram

Check to plot the azimuth diagram in the legend area of the plan map. For plan maps, the azimuth is always zero degrees.

Scale bar

Check to plot a scale bar in the legend area of the plan map.


Click this button to display the Position Logo dialog; for more information click the Help button on the dialog.


Plot titles

Check to plot titles content on the plan map.


Specify a 'company' name.


Specify a ‘property’ name.


Specify a map title. If the title is left blank, a "default" title is produced, which specifies the plan type, such as: "Full Plan - Collars".


Specify a map subtitle.