Apply a Mathematical Expression in the Spreadsheet Window

Using the Oasis montaj advanced status bar feature, you can apply a mathematical expression to the data selected in your spreadsheet window.

Also available is the Channel Math Expression Builder, an easy-to-use standardized tool that enables you to create, save, load and execute mathematical expressions for your channel data.

To Apply a Mathematical Expression:

  1. Select the data cells you want to change. You can select a section of a channel, an entire channel on a single line, or the same channel on all lines of the database.

  2. Click the equal sign key (=). This changes the status bar of the spreadsheet window located along the bottom to "Formula=".

  3. In the Formula= text box field, type an expression where the variables are existing channel names.

  4. Click Enter. The result of the expression is placed in the currently selected cells.

For a complete list of the operators and functions, refer to the Rules for Mathematical Expressions.


Subtract channel values:

To define an expression that subtracts a "Level" channel from a "Mag" channel and places the results in the "Mag_level" channel:

type the following in the Formula= field:

Calculate distances between points:

To calculate the distance between each point and the origin of the local coordinate system:

type the following in the Formula= field:

This expression assumes that "x" and "y" are coordinate channel names.