Math Expression Builder Components

The table below provides detailed information about each of the tool's parameters and how to apply it:

Step 1:Type in a mathematical expression. Use your own variable names or use the button below to insert default variable names.

 (i) = Expression- The expression box is where you create your Math Expression using the functions and operators provided on the tool. Alternatively if you load a pre-existing expression from file, it will be displayed here and over-ride any existing expression.

The standard variable naming syntax is C# for Channels, G# for Grids, S# for Surfaces and V# for Voxels (where # refers to the next available integer). You are however not bound to this syntax. If the supplied variable name matches an existing channel, grid, surface, voxel name that specific variable is used and you are not prompted to assign it.

 (ii) - Operators - Clicking the ../../../../geohelp/image/operators1.jpg button displays all of the "Operators and Functions" that are available to help you build your math expression.

Common Keys: The common keypad (on the left) includes the most common symbols and operators used in math expressions, consisting of the buttons:

/, *, -, +, (, ), %, e, ../../../../geohelp/image/sqrt.jpg, ../../../../geohelp/image/Freq_pi.jpg, ../../../../geohelp/image/expn.jpg, and Add Dummy (placeholder) and Add Variable(temporary variable). For additional information, see Common Keys. To specify the number digits from 0 to 9 and the decimal symbol "." use your keyboard keys.   

Tabs: Subject to the math tool type being run (Channel, Grid, Voxel), up to 8 contextual tabs are displayed. For more information on each of the Operators an Functions tabs, follow the links: Frequent tab, Special tab, String tab, Trig tab, Statistics tab, Surfaces tab, Offset tab, Date tab and Time tab.

To close the "Operators and Functions" display window, click the ../../../../geohelp/image/operators.jpg button.

 (iii) - Insert "Data" Variable - This button insets a variable in the Expression at the location of the cursor. This variable is also added to the Assign box. The variable is saved on output. The type of available variables is contextual; the Channel Math Tool inserts a Channel Variable, the Grid Math Tool inserts a Grid Variable and the Voxel Math Tool inserts Grid, Voxel, Surface Variables.

Step 2: Assign actual variables to the variable names used.

 (iv)  Assignment “Variables”: The assignment box is where you select input and output entries for each variable in the expression. Use the drop-down List or Browse button to assign the entries.

  • When working with a database only the drop-down lists will be available, as the contributing variables (Channels) reside in the current database.
  •  (v) - Common Tasks - Use this drop-down list to select from the most common math expressions:  

    • Add 2 variables
    • Divide 2 variables
    • Multiply 2 variables
    • Multiply variables by factor 2
    • Remove 5000 from variable
    • Subtract 2 variables
    • True/False statement     

     (vi)  - Expression File - You can save your current Expression to a file. These files are given the extension .exp. Likewise you can load a previously saved expression into the Expression box. Note that the Save and Load buttons are only enabled once the Expression File box is populated.


    • Clear: When you click the Clear button all the parameters are cleared and you can start again.
    • Apply: When you click the Apply button the expression output is calculated and a new channel, grid or voxel is created. However the focus remains in the math tool dialog so that you an execute another expression.
    • OK: When you click the OK button the expression output is calculated and a new channel, grid or voxel is created and the tool is closed
    • Close: When you click the Close button the tool is closed and the expression is not applied.