ASCII Data Import Wizard - Step 2 of 3 (Delimited)

Use this wizard dialog to specify how the delimited data is formatted in the import data file. The results are displayed in the preview window.

Data Import Wizard - Step 2 of 3 (Delimited)

Column delimiters

Microsoft Excel CSV

Select Microsoft Excel CSV radio button if import data is in CSV format.

Comma delimited

Select Comma Delimited radio button if import data columns are separated by a comma.

White space delimited

Select White Space Delimited radio button if import data columns are separated by white space.

Tab delimited

Select Tab Delimited radio button if import data columns are separated by a tab.


Select Other radio button if import data columns are separated by another method.




Select Soft if you want the delimiter to be flexible on recognizing spaces, commas, tabs, etc. For example, if you select Soft and a space is encountered in the column it will be ignored. If however, you select Hard and the same space was encountered, the column will be split into two.

String handling

Quote character

Specify the "character" to be used for quotes. The default is ".


Select Escapes? if there are escape sequences in your data.

Special characters in a string can be defined using escape sequences. An escape sequence consists of a backslash character (\) followed by one or more characters.

Preview window

Column locations

The column locations, as have been determined by the parameters above, will be displayed in this window.


Click the Next> button to continue the import process.