ASCII Data Import Wizard - Step 1 of 3

Use this wizard dialog to specify how the data in the ASCII import file is formatted:

    Select whether the file uses delimited or fixed field indicators to separate columns.

    In the middle section, specify which line in the file contains the data headings, which line contains the data units, at which line to begin importing data, and the number of lines to display in the preview window.

    The window at the bottom of the dialog displays a preview of the ASCII data file. The line above this window shows the file that is being imported.

Data Import Wizard - Step 1 of 3

File type


Select Delimited radio button if import data is in a delimited format (spaces or commas separate each data field).

Fixed field

Select Fixed Field radio button if import data is in a fixed field format (data is aligned in fixed width within columns).

Row details

Number of rows

Number of rows of data in file. Note that, this value is determined from the import file and cannot be modified.

Data headings on row

Specify which row in the import file contains the headings.

Data units on row

Specify which row in the import file contains the data units.

Start import on row

Specify which row in the import file contains the data to import.

Preview rows

Specify how many rows to preview in the preview widow below.

Preview window

File name

The line directly above the preview window displays the file name that is being imported.

Display window

The window at the bottom the dialog box displays the ASCII data file to be imported.


Click the Next> button to continue the import process.