Print and Plot Maps

Oasis montaj uses your installed Windows system drivers to create maps for printer or plotter output. Depending on your installed driver, you may find it does not produce the highest quality output, or that it takes a long time to produce a plot.

For these situations, special printer capabilities are available, which use an internal rasterizing engine that performs most of the print /plot processing and then passes the preprocessed files to the driver for final output.

Printing a Map

There are a several ways you can print a map:

Plotting Options

If you are not satisfied with your Windows driver's performance and want to optimize your printing speed, you may want to add a new configuration that uses a more advanced printing option, such as:

  • Geosoft bands
  • Geosoft band and dither
  • Geosoft HP RTL device (and HP-RTL Print Nesting)
  • Geosoft Postscript

Normally, with high-quality drivers, you should not have to use these options, but it can help with problem drivers or PostScript printing.

See Change /Add Printer Configuration for further details.