Map Group Editing Toolbar

The Map window group-editing toolbar becomes active and displayed within the map when you click Select Group Mode in the Map Manager and then select Edit Vector Group.


Use the arrow tool to select a group or view or items in a group while in editing mode. Click the arrow cursor on the item you want to select for single selection. A sizing box is displayed to indicate that the item is selected. By clicking and dragging, it is possible to select multiple items in the dragging rectangle during group editing mode.

Draw Line

Use this tool to draw straight lines on a map.

Draw PolyLine

Use this tool to draw a segmented line (polyline) on a map. Click to define each point (direction change) along the line. Click the right mouse button and select Done to finish the line.

Draw Rectangle

Use this tool to draw a rectangle on a map. Click once to define the upper left corner of the box. Drag the mouse to define the rectangle. Click again to complete the shape.

Draw Polygon

Use this tool to draw a polygon on a map. Click to define each point (direction change) along the line. Click the right mouse button and select Done to complete the polygon.

Draw N-Sided Polygon

Use this tool to draw a N-sided polygon on a map. Click to display the N-sided polygon options dialog and specify the number of sides to plot. Drag the mouse to define the N-sided polygon. Click again to complete the shape.

Draw Circle/Ellipse

Use this tool to draw a circle/ellipse on a map. Click once to define the upper left corner of the circle/ellipse. Drag the mouse to define the shape. Click again to complete the shape.

Add Text

Use this tool to add text to a map. Click to define the starting point. Type your message. You can use the sizing handles to change the size of the text box. Click anywhere outside the text box to finish.

Select the text box and click the right mouse button to change the text attributes.

Draw Symbol

Use this tool to add symbol shapes to your map. Click the location on the map where you want to display the symbol. A symbol is drawn using the current symbol settings.

Select the symbol and click the right mouse button to change the symbol attributes.

Get Polygon Attributes

Use this tool to acquire a colour or patterns from a polygon on the map. When you select this tool, the cursor will change to include an eyedropper (image\cursorwitheyedropper.jpg).

Apply Polygon Attributes

Use this tool to apply fill colours and patterns to a polygon.

When you use this tool, the cursor image will change to include a bucket (image\cursorwithinkwell.jpg).