Measure Angles

Use the Measure Angle option to determine angles on your map.  

To access the Measure Angle tool:

  1. Open and select (highlight) a map in your project.

  2. While hovering over the open map, right-click and select Measure Angle from the popup menu. Your cursor will change to a cross-hair (image\oneclick0.jpg).

  3. Click on the map where you want to start measuring the angle from (Step 1).

  4. Click again in the direction in which you want to measure the angle (Step 2).

  5. Then, click a third time to determine the angle (Step 3).




    Step 1

    Step 2

    Step 3

  1. The system displays the message "Measure angle completed" and reports the angle (in degrees) in the lower right corner of the Map window.