Define or Modify the Projection of a Map View

In Oasis montaj, maps have several views that contain information about the map. The coordinate system information for a map is contained in a Data view. Base map information such as North Arrow, Scale Bars, Titles are contained in the Base view.

The coordinate system information is attached to a map view by copying the projection parameters from a dataset or grid. When you create a new map, the system enables you to scan database and grid files and attach their projection and coordinate attributes to a map view.

View the Map View Projection

  1. To display the projection information for the current map view on an open map, you must first select the View you want to modify.

  2. Right-click the mouse anywhere in the map window. On the popup menu, click View|Data to select the Data View. Right-click again and select Coordinate System from the popup menu.

  3. If a projection has been defined for the View, the Coordinate System dialog is displayed showing the projection information for the selected map view.

Modify the Map View Projection

  1. To modify the projection, click the Modify button in the Coordinate System dialog.

  2. The system displays the Modify Coordinate System dialog showing the current projection status for the View.

  1. In the Datum box, select the datum you would like to use from the list. If you are defining a Projected coordinate system, you will also have to select a projection method in the Projection method box.

  2. In the Local datum transform box, select the local datum you want to use. The box will list the local datums that apply to the datum you previously selected.

  3. Click the OK button to accept these changes and exit the dialog box.