
Use the Database Tools > Filters > B-Spline menu option (BSPLINE GX) to calculate a B-spline interpolation of data in a channel. A B-spline enables you to control the smoothness of the spline and the tension applied to the ends of the spline.

B-Spline dialog options

Channel to spline

Name of the channel to spline.

Script Parameter: BSPLINE.IN

Output channel

Output splined channel (may be same as input) : The name the output splined channel.

Script Parameter: BSPLINE.OUT

Smoothness (0.0 to 1.0)

Smoothness (0.0 to 1.0): This controls how well the splined line honors the data. A smoothness of 0.0 will honour the data exactly, while a smoothness of 1 results in an almost linear interpolation.

Script Parameter: BSPLINE.SMOOTH

Tension (0.0 to 1.0)

Tension (0.0 to 1.0) This controls the amount of curvature in the interpolation in the vicinity of data points. A tension of 0.0 will result in a minimum curvature interpolation, while a tension of 1.0 produces a piecewise linear interpolation.

Script Parameter: BSPLINE.TAU