Classify by Map Group

Use the Geochem Analysis > Classify by Map Group option (CHGRPPLY GX) to create or update a mask channel from a group inside a map.

Create Mask Channel from a Map Group dialog options

Group to mask

Select the map group to mask.

Script Parameter: CHGRPPLY.GROUP

Mask channel

Select the Mask Channel Name.

The default mask channel is set from the CHPREFERENCES GX (Geochem Import/Preferences...).

Script Parameter: CHGRPPLY.MASK

Work inside or outside area

Select to work "Inside" or "Outside" the mask polygon.

Script Parameter: CHGRPPLY.WORK


Select to append to a Mask channel or create new Mask channel. "Append" means that values that are already selected ("1") in the Mask channel will remain selected – these will not be reset to "dummy" even if the data is not found to be included in the current masking operation. "New" means that every value in the mask channel will be updated based on the current mask operation.

Script Parameter: CHGRPPLY.APPEND

Application Notes

Only rectangles and polygons are included.