Pie Symbol Plot Legend

Use the Geochem MapPoint PlotsPie Plot Legend menu option (CHPIELEG GX) to plot a legend for the Pie symbol plots.

Pie Symbol Plot Legend dialog options

Number of channels

Select assay channel to plot from current database. Any value from 1 to 8 may be selected.

Script Parameter: CHROSE.NUMCHAN

Radius (mm)

(Rose and Pie Plots) The radius of all the sector, in mm. The legend plots as a circle, since all the sectors are this radius.

Script Parameter: CHROSE.LEGSIZE

Symbol edge colour

Symbol edge colour, 7 colours available "black outline" (default).

Script Parameter: CHROSE.COLOR

Text Height (mm)

The height of the channel text labels, in mm. The labels are plotted around the outside edge of the plot.

Script Parameter: CHROSE.TXTSIZE

Starting angle

Specify where the first edge of the first plotted pie slice in the Rose or Pie plots begins, measured in degrees counter-clockwise from horizontal (3 o’clock). By default this value is 0.0.

Script Parameter: CHROSE.STARTANG (default 0.0)

Bottom left X (mm)

Bottom left Y (mm)

The location of the bottom-left corner of the plot, in base view coordinates. Use the Locate button to interactively select this position.

Script Parameter: CHROSE.X, CHROSE.Y


Proceed to define channels.


Plot the legend. If channels or colours remain to be defined, the appropriate dialog will appear before you can plot.


Interactively define the location of the bottom-left coordinates of the legend.

If this GX is run from the CHPIE GX, or immediately following, the following parameters will already be set.

Specify Channels

Channel X

Select a channel from the drop-down list. All values must be specified.

Script Parameter: CHROSE.CHANX (Where X is a value from 1 to 8)


Proceed to define scaling.


Return to the main dialog


Plot the legend. If channels or colours remain to be defined, the appropriate dialog will appear before you can plot.

Specify Scaling

(Channel Name) scaling

The scale value is taken from the "symbol scaling" attribute for the given channel. If this value is not defined, the default scaling defined in the CHROSE GX is used.


Proceed to define colours.


Return to the main dialog


Plot the Rose plots. If channels or colours remain to be defined, the appropriate dialog will appear before you can plot.

Specify Fill Colours

(Channel Name) colour

Select a colour from the drop-down list. All values must be specified.

Script Parameter: CHROSE.COLX (Where X is a value from 1 to 8)


Return to the main dialog


Plot the legend. If channels or colours remain to be defined, the appropriate dialog will appear before you can plot.

Application Notes

This GX is designed to be run from the CHPIE GX, but it may be run on its own.