Colour Range Symbol Legend

Use the Colour Range Symbol Legend option (CLASSLEG GX) to place a legend describing the graduated colour symbol scheme on your map.

If the CLASYMB GX was used to create the colour symbols, use this GX to create the legend.

The option is available with the following extensions and menus:

  • Map Tools > Symbols menu

  • Geochemistry extension: Geochem Map > Point Plots menu

  • Grav/Mag Interpretation extension: Euler 3D > Plot Solution Symbols menu

Colour Range Symbol Legend dialog options


ITR File with symbol information

Title for legend (Optional)

(Optional) Title for the legend

Subtitle for legend (Optional)

(Optional) Subtitle for the legend

X position (mm)

X location of bottom left corner of legend

Y position (mm)

Y location of bottom left corner of legend

Font size (mm)

Font size for labels

Scale factor for symbols

Scaling factor for symbol size

Application Notes

Normally, the CLASYMB GX is run prior to the CLASSLEG GX to produce an ITR file with the ranges, colours, symbol sizes, types etc. CLASYMB writes the name of its ITR file to the CLASSLEG.ITR parameter. If this parameter is not present on startup, the first dialog to appear will be the file dialog, which prompts for an ITR file.

If the symbol size information is included in the ITR file (as it will be if the ITR was produced using the CLASYMB GX), the symbols will plot to the map with a size equal to the defined size, multiplied by SYMBSCALE.

If an ITR file is chosen, which does not contain the extra symbol information, defaults will be chosen for the symbol type (a circle). In addition, the symbol sizes will be equal to the selected label font size, and the SYMBSCALE parameter will be ignored.