Make Distance Channel

Use the Database Tools > Channel Tools > Make Distance Channel menu option (geogxnet.dll(Geosoft.GX.Database.DistanceChannel;Run)*) to calculate a distance channel from provided X and Y, and optionally Z channels.

Make Distance Channel dialog options

X channel

Existing X channel.

Script Parameter: DISTCHAN.X

Y channel

Existing Y channel.

Script Parameter: DISTCHAN.Y

Z channel

If you would like to generate the distance using all three axis, select the Z channel. Otherwise, leave it blank.

Script Parameter: DISTCHAN.Z

Output distance channel

Output distance channel

Script Parameter: DISTCHAN.OUT

Maintain line direction

Use cartesian coordinate system

The default, Maintain line direction, sets the first point on each line at distance 0. In this case, subsequent points are calculated from the cumulative distance down the line.

Select the option Use cartesian coordinate system if you would like the distance along all lines to increase in the same direction, regardless of the survey line heading. The direction is calculated using the first and last point of each line. It is selected so that the distance increments increase along the positive X-direction if the line azimuth is within or equal to 45° of the X-axis, or increase along the positive Y-direction if the line direction is within 45° of the Y-axis.

Script Parameter: DISTCHAN.CARTESIAN (0=Honour line direction, 1= Honour Cartesian coordinate system)

Application Notes

A common Oasis montaj function is to calculate a distance channel from specified X and Y channels. When you use this functionality, the system assumes that the first point on each line is at distance 0 and subsequent points are calculated from the cumulative distance down the line. The distance channel is calculated as if a measuring tape is laid down along the path.

The X and Y channels are assumed to hold the coordinates of a normal Cartesian system.

In order to maintain consistency with the outcome of the previous 2D distance channel GX, the Z channel is optional and does not get auto-populated. Even when set in the database, you have to select the Z channel in order to calculate the 3D distance.

This tool uses the same parameter space variables as the pre-existing distance GX (distchan.gx) and has replaced it in the Database Tools > Channel Tools menu; as a result pre-existing scripts will be honoured.

*The GX.NET tools are embedded in the geogxnet.dll file located in the "...\Geosoft\Desktop Applications \bin" folder. If running this GX interactively, bypassing the menu, first change the folder to point to the "bin" directory, then supply the GX.NET tool in the specified format. See the topic Run GX for more details on running a GX.NET interactively.