Run GX

Use the Project > Run GX menu option (or click the Run GX icon on the Project Explorer toolbar) to open the Run GX dialog and run a GX.

You can run only the GXs for which you are licensed.

Run GX dialog options

GX file /entry

The name of the GX (or GX.NET) file that you wish to run.

See below for further details on how to run a GX or GX.NET file.


Click the button to open the browse dialog. Initially, the tool will search in the ...\Geosoft\Desktop Applications \gx folder.

  • If you want to run a GX, select the GX file (*.gx) from the list of the files in the gx directory and click [Open]. The GX file field in the Run GX dialog will be populated with the selected file. Click OK to run the GX.

  • If you want to run a GX.NET, you will need to switch to the bin directory, as GX.NET tools are embedded in the geogxnet.dll file located in the ...\Geosoft\Desktop Applications \bin folder:

    To run a GX.NET:

    1. Switch to the bin folder.

    2. Change the file type filter to Files (*.dll).

    3. Select the geogxnet.dll file and click Open.

    4. In the Run GX dialog, in the GX file field, supply the GX.NET tool in the expected format. For example, to run the New Database tool, specify:


    5. Click OK to run the GX.NET.

The folder selection is retained on the subsequent run of the tool. When running a new GX/GX.NET, if you are prompted with an error message, click the browse button and ensure the tool is searching in the right directory (i.e., "gx" or "bin").


If the GX/GX.NET you want to run has been previously executed from this dialog (in the current project), click the History button, and the dialog switches to "history" mode. The GX file/entry becomes a drop-down list, and you will be able to select the GX entry from the history of files that were previously run.

The files are displayed with their full paths and names in the list.

Click OK to run the selected GX/GX.NET file.