New Project from MX Deposit

Use the Drillhole – New Project from MX Deposit dialog to import drillhole data from MX Deposit. MX Deposit is a new, cutting-edge logging application designed to help mining and exploration companies simplify and modernize their drilling and sample data management.

  • A subscription is required in order to import drillhole data from MX Deposit. To learn more, go to A live internet connection is required in order to access the MX Deposit data management portal.
  • Drillhole – New Project from MX Deposit dialog options


    Specify the name of the new Target drillhole project. This defaults to the MX Deposit Project + Activity. Use the Browse button to specify a different directory.

    MX Deposit Project

    Select the MX Deposit project from the drop-down list.

    Projects are site-specific, exploration (drilling or surface sampling) data collection programs. You will only see the Projects that you have been given access to in MX Deposit.


    Select the Activity from the drop-down list.

    Activities are data capture workflows that requires data be entered in a specific way (e.g. exploration drilling vs. grade control). You will only see Activities that you have been given access to in MX Deposit.

    Drillholes that are New or In Progress are excluded from the Activity list in the MX Deposit Import tool.

    Coordinate system

    Select a valid coordinate system from the drop-down list.

    Defaults to the top ranked coordinate system in the MX Deposit tables.

    Drillhole projects in Target must use only one single coordinate system. Only non-Geographic coordinates are supported in Drillhole Project databases.

    The selected MX Deposit project is imported as a set of Geosoft Database (*.GDB) files, all with the same prefix which was specified above as the Project Name. If the Project name was selected as “Target Project”, then the tables will appear with Target Project_Collar.gdb, Target Project_assays.gdb, Target Project_geology.gdb and Target Project_survey.gdb.

    Application Notes

    View Drillhole data using Data Linking

    A new button ( ) will appear on the toolbars of the Drillhole Project databases after import. This button, called View Drillhole in MX Deposit, is visible only for Drillhole Project databases created through the MX Deposit import tool. It is also visible on the toolbars of drillhole maps created from a MX Deposit Drillhole Project.

    When the View Drillhole in MX Deposit button is clicked, the MX Deposit web page will open and load the selected drillhole information. You might need to sign in first with your MX Deposit credentials when clicking the button the first time.

    Linking to MX Deposit from maps uses the Data Linking function to capture the correct drillhole information. On Drillhole Plan or Section maps, click the Data Linking button and place the cursor over a drillhole trace on the map. Click anywhere on the drillhole trace to select that drillhole. The View Drillhole in MX Deposit button will become enabled and when pressed, MX Deposit will open in a browser and display the selected drillhole information.

    Inside the MX DEPOSIT portal, you can browse and view the projects, activities, drillholes and sample data that your profile has access to.