Database Viewer Toolbar

The Database Viewer toolbar provides you with easy access tools for working with Geosoft databases. The toolbar becomes active within the database window when a database is opened in your project.

Save Changes

Click this button to save changes made to your database.

Discard Changes

Click this button to discard changes made to your database and restore your database to its last saved state.

First Line/Group

Click this button to show the data and profiles for the starting line in your database.

Last Line/Group

Click this button to show the data and profiles for the final line in your database.

Previous Line/Group

Click this button to show the data and profiles for the previous line in your database.

Next Line/Group

Click this button to show the data and profiles for the following line in your database.

New Line/Group (licensed version only)

Click this button to create a new line in your database. A dialog box is displayed that enables you to specify the line number, version, date, and type. If your database contains groups of data instead of lines, a new group will be created.

Delete Current Line/Group (licensed version only)

Click this button to delete the currently select line from your database.

Pan to Cursor on All Maps

Click this button to make all the open maps automatically pan the viewed area to keep the cursor in view.

As you move the cursor along in the database table or profile window, the location of the Shadow Cursor will update on open maps and grid viewers. When the cursor moves out of view, the map will pan automatically to centre the new cursor location, always keeping the cursor in view.

View Drillhole in MX Deposit

Click this button to launch MX Deposit and view the selected Drillhole information. This button is available only for Drillhole Project databases imported from MX Deposit using the Import tool option in the DH-Data > New Project menu.

See New Project from MX Deposit for more information.

View Drillhole in Imago

Click this button to launch the Imago online application portal and view stored core photos of the selected drillhole and depth range. This button is available on Drillhole Project databases once the Connect to Imago option in the DH-Data menu has been run and a successful connection to Imago was achieved. See Sign in to Imago and Connect to Imago for more information.

Application Notes

Oasis montaj provides configurable shortcut keys ('hotkeys') enabling quick and easy access to menu functions.

To view or modify these settings, go to Database > Settings and select Configure GDB Shortcut Keys. The interactive dialog provides the option to configure your own hotkeys or view the provided defaults.