Connect to Imago

Use the Connect to Imago option to specify the settings to use for creating dynamic hyperlinks to connect to Imago projects and datasets. This allows you to view drill core photos and other geoscientific imagery based on the selected project, dataset, data series and /or imagery type.

Connect to Imago dialog options


Select an Imago drillhole project. If no selection is made, all existing projects will be available.


Select an Imago drillhole dataset. If no selection is made, all available datasets will be selected.

Data series type

Select a data series type. Required.

Imagery type

Select an imagery type. Required.


Click the Disconnect button to sign out and disconnect the current drillhole project from the Imago online portal.

  • Once you are signed in and connected to the online portal, this connection will be maintained for the current Target project even when the application is closed.
  • Application Notes

    Once you are connected to the Imago online portal, a new button () will appear on the Database and Map window toolbars in the current Drillhole project.

    This button, called View Drillhole in Imago, is visible for all Drillhole project database tables and maps. The button is not visible for non-Drillhole databases and maps.

    When the View Drillhole in Imago button is clicked, the Imago online portal (ImagoApp) will open in a web browser, and you may need to sign in. The ImagoApp will then load the selected drillhole and it's associated imagery, based on the options selected in the Connect to Imago dialog.

  • The application will open in the system's default browser. If your default browser is Internet Explorer (IE), you will need to upgrade to Edge. Internet Explorer is not supported by Imago.
  • Linking from Databases

    When linking from a Target drillhole database, the currently selected drillhole (and depth interval, if one is selected) is used as the 'current drillhole'.

    When the View Drillhole in Imago button is clicked on the Database Toolbar, ImagoApp will open in a browser tab and display the currently selected drillhole and depth range (if available) from the active database.

    If the selected drillhole does not exist in the Imago storage, or if there is no imagery currently stored for the selected drillhole and depth range, the ImagoApp portal will display a message ("No imagery is currently displayed") and an alternate option will be suggested (i.e. "Display imagery by searching for it or selecting it with the dataset browser on the right").

    If imagery exists for the drillhole, but the selected depth value(s) are not present as photos, then the first (or last) available image for the drillhole will be displayed instead.

    Linking from Maps

    Linking to core photos from Target maps uses the Data Linking function to locate the drillhole and depth interval in the active database table. On Drillhole Plan or Section maps, click the Data Linking button () and place the cursor over a drillhole trace on the map. Click anywhere on the drillhole trace to select that drillhole and depth range in the active database. Click and drag the mouse cursor up or down the drillhole trace, and the active database will show the current location in dark blue highlight. The View Drillhole in Imago button will become enabled on the Map toolbar, and when pressed, an ImagoApp browser window will display the selected drillhole, and the corresponding depth interval that is currently shown in the database.

    When data linking is used on a Section or a Plan Map, the location on the map is "dynamically linked" with the currently active Drillhole project database. In the active database, both the drillhole name and a depth range is identified (highlighted). When the Imago application portal is launched, a web page will open and display a zoomed in area of the drillhole, corresponding to the depth interval identified in the database.

    If the active linked database is not a "From-To" database (in other words it does not contain the DH_From & DH_To channels) or does not contain a DH_Depth channel, the entire hole will be shown instead.