Assays Tab – Display 3D Drillholes

Use the Assays tab to plot 3D Assays in your 3D View. Assays can be of a specific, unchanging colour or can be coloured according to selected channel data values and colour scheme. They can also be fixed in size or sized in proportion to data values. The 3D Assays intervals will be the same as the From-To intervals in the source Drillhole database.

Assays Tab Options

Display assays

Select this box to plot drillhole assays data based on selected holes in your active Drillhole project.

Disabled if the dialog is opened in edit mode.




Select the assays colour as Fixed or Variable, according to the data zoning.

Script Parameter: DH_3DSYMBOLS_ASSAYS.VAR_COL="1"


Select the colour of the assays if the Fixed colour option has been selected. To edit, click on the field and the Colour selection dialog will be displayed. Select a colour from the Basic colours table or by clicking the Define Custom Colours>> button, you can specify a custom colour.

Script Parameter: DH_3DSYMBOLS_ASSAYS.COLOUR="R178G34B34"


Available if the Variable colour option has been selected. Disabled if the dialog is opened in edit mode.

Select a channel from the drop-down list to be used for the colour values. The list contains the numeric channels found in the From – To databases of the current Drillhole project.

Script Parameter: DH_3DSYMBOLS_ASSAYS.COL_CHANNEL="Ag_ppm [composite]"


Available if the Variable colour option has been selected. Select the colour scheme for rendering the assays symbols. If you mouse over the field, a tooltip will display the name of the colour table in its folder. The default colour scheme defaults to the Colour.tbl file. To modify the selection, click on the field and in the selection dialog navigate through the available colour scheme categories.

Script Parameter: DH_3DSYMBOLS_ASSAYS.COLOURTABLE="colour.tbl"


Available if the Variable colour option has been selected. Select the colour method to be used with the selected colour scheme. Defaults to Histogram equalization. Not available if the selected colour scheme file is of *.ZON or *.ITR type (in this case the colours are already attributed to data ranges).


Reverse colour distribution

Available if the Variable colour option has been selected. Select this box to reverse the distribution order of the selected colour scheme.




Select the drillhole assays size as Fixed or Proportional.

Script Parameter: DH_3DSYMBOLS_ASSAYS.VAR_SIZE="1"

Fixed size ()

Specify the assays symbol size in View units. Specify a different size or use the Calculate button to revert to the default estimated value.

Script Parameter: DH_3DSYMBOLS_ASSAYS.SIZE="30"


Available if the Proportional size option has been selected. Disabled if the dialog is opened in edit mode.

Select a channel from the drop-down list to be used for sizing the symbols. The list contains the numeric channels found in the From – To databases of the current Drillhole project.

Script Parameter: DH_3DSYMBOLS_ASSAYS.SIZE_CHANNEL="As_ppm [Geochem]"

Scale (units/m)

Available if the Proportional size option has been selected. Specify the scale in View units. Specify a different scale or use the Calculate button to reset the field to the default estimated value.

Script Parameter: DH_3DSYMBOLS_ASSAYS.SCALE="1"

Use log scale

Available if the Proportional size option has been selected. Select this box to apply log scaling to the data values.


Application Notes

  • A 3D Assays group will take the name of the Drillhole Project with the suffix _Assays appended; the group name can be modified afterward.
  • 3D Drillhole Assays are always plotted as cylinders, or discs. For other shape types, use the 3D symbols plot option in the Add to 3D menu.

  • 3D Drillholes groups with the exception of collars will continue to be rescaled if Axes Scaling is modified (3D View Settings dialog).
  • Plotting 3D Drillholes in an empty 3D view will assign the coordinate system and units from the current Drillhole project database to the 3D View. Adding 3D Drillholes to a 3D View that has a different defined coordinate system (or units) from the current Drillhole project will first reproject the locations of the drillholes into the coordinate system (or units) of the 3D view.
  • Both Colour and Size cannot be fixed at the same time when you plot assays; either Colour must be set to Variable or Size must be set to Proportional.

    When the Colour option is Variable, the From-To intervals of the Colour channel will be used to create the plot. When Size is set to Proportional, and Colour is Fixed, the From-To intervals of the Size channel will be used. If both Colour and Size are not fixed, the From-To intervals of the colour channel will be used.