Edit File

Use the Project > Edit a File menu option (EDIT GX) to edit files interactively in Oasis montaj. The Edit File Using <your selected text editor> dialog is displayed.

The 'Text file editor' parameter in the General Settings dialog (Project > Settings >  General) identifies the default editor program. If this parameter setting is left blank in the 'General Settings' dialog, the Select a Default Text Editor dialog will open instead and you will be prompted to enter the name of a default editor.

Edit File dialog options


Specifiy the name of the file or use the browse button [...] to select the file to edit.

Click [OK] and the system will open the file in your current text editor.


Click this button to open the Select a Default Text Editor dialog and change the default editor.

  • Once specified, the editor file name is saved as the default 'Text file editor' in the General Settings dialog (Project > Settings >  General).