Expand Grid

Use the Grid and Image > Utilities > Expand Grid menu option (geogxnet.dll(Geosoft.GX.GridUtils.GridExpand;Run)*) to expand a grid by adding dummies to the new expanded region beyond the edges of the old grid. This is designed mainly to provide a bordering area to be filled by GRIDFILL in preparation for MAGMAP.

Expand Grid dialog options

Input grid file

Input Grid file name.(.grd file)

Script Parameter: GRIDXPND.GRDIN

Expanded output grid

Output Expanded Grid file name.(.grd file)

Script Parameter: GRIDXPND.GRDOUT

Minimum % to expand the grid

Minimum percentage to expand the grid.(Default = 10.0)

Script Parameter: GRIDXPND.MINPER

Shape of the output grid

Shape of the output grid.(Can be 'SQUARE' or 'RECTANGLE'. default is 'SQUARE')

Script Parameter: GRIDXPND.SHAPE

Expand X dimension to

Dimension in X direction which the input grid is expanded to.

Script Parameter: GRIDXPND.XDIM

Expand Y dimension to

Dimension in Y direction which the input grid is expanded to.

Script Parameter: GRIDXPND.YDIM

Application Notes

*The GX.NET tools are embedded in the geogxnet.dll file located in the "...\Geosoft\Desktop Applications \bin" folder. If running this GX interactively, bypassing the menu, first change the folder to point to the "bin" directory, then supply the GX.NET tool in the specified format. See the topic Run GX for more details on running a GX.NET interactively.

GRIDXPND.XDIM and GRIDXPND.YDIM will default to input grid dimension values if they are not specified, or if they are set to 0.

The default dimensions are chosen to be compatible with the Wynograd FFT used by MAGMAP.