Import GOCAD Surface(s)

Use the Imports > GOCAD Surface(s) option (geogxnet.dll(Geosoft.GX.Map.ImportGOCADSurface;Run)*) from the 3D Viewer > Add to 3D menu to import a GOCAD surface file into a Geosoft surface (geosurface) file.

A new geosurface file can be created, or the GOCAD surface can be appended to an existing geosurface file. The geosurface file is added to the current project (Project Explorer > Geosurfaces) and to the current 3D View.

Import GOCAD Surface(s) dialog options

GOCAD surface(s)

Select one or more GOCAD files to import and display.

Script Parameter: IMPGOCADSURFACE.FILE (Separate files with the "|" character).

Geosurface file

Specify the name of the geosurface file (*.geosoft_surface). Automatically pre-populated with the same file name as the input file.


Invert Z values

The default is Z+ up. If your GOCAD t-surface is set to have Z- down, then select this option to invert the surface in the 3D View.

Script Parameter: IMPGOCADSURFACE.INVERT_Z (0: No (default), 1: Yes)

Import file

The output will be saved to a new or existing geosurface file. The new or existing geosurface will be displayed in the 3D View.

Script Parameter: IMPGOCADSURFACE.GEOSURFACE_EXISTING (0: Create new (default), 1: Append)

GOCAD Coordinate System

Coordinate system

The Coordinate System dialog allows you to specify the correct coordinate system information for the incoming GOCAD file. Use the drop-downs to define a coordinate system for the GOCAD surface file. The GOCAD coordinates will be re-projected from this coordinate system to the 3D View coordinate system if necessary. If multiple GOCAD files are selected, the specified coordinate system will be applied to all files.

Script Parameters:






Application Notes

The colours specified in the GOCAD surface file will be used in the display. These can be edited in the Attributes tab.

  • When converting a GOCAD surface to a Geosoft geosurface, the inherent unit of measure stored in the GOCAD surface will not be used. Therefore, surface area or volume calculations in the Properties dialog in the Attributes tab may be interpreted incorrectly.
  • *The GX.NET tools are embedded in the geogxnet.dll file located in the "...\Geosoft\Desktop Applications \bin" folder. If running this GX interactively, bypassing the menu, first change the folder to point to the "bin" directory, then supply the GX.NET tool in the specified format. See the topic Run GX for more details on running a GX.NET interactively.