Unpack Files

Oasis montaj provides you with the capability to email maps as e-map attachments. E-maps are also called packed maps. All the files (grids, images, map objects) that are displayed on a map are packed into a single file.

This means that you don’t have to worry about making sure all the files (such as *.GI or *.GRD files) associated with a map are included in the email. When you open an e-map in Oasis montaj, all the information can be read in this format by all related functions, such as grid statistics.

Use the Map > Unpack Files menu option (UNPACKMAP GX) to unpack a packed map or e-map file. This enables you to unpack all the files (i.e., grids, images, symbols, 3D Views, projection information, etc.) that are displayed on a map into your selected folder.

The UNPACKALLMAPS GX can be used to unpack all maps currently open in a project.

How to Unpack a Map

  1. Select the packed map that you want to unpack from the Maps list in the Project Explorer.

  2. On the Map menu select Unpack Files, or from the right mouse button menu in the Project Explorer, select Unpack Map Files.

  3. An Unpack Map browse dialog opens enabling you to select the folder to place the unpacked files.

  4. The packed map is unpacked and the map files are placed in the selected folder.