Pack and Send a Map

Packed maps are created using a compressed map format that enables you to share your work with others. A packed map is a single packed file that contains all the files (i.e., grids, images, symbols, 3D views, projection information, etc.) that the map contains.

This means that you do not have to send multiple files in order for someone to view and edit your map or to worry about making sure all the files (such as *.gi or *.grd) associated with a map are included in the email. When you open a packed map in Oasis montaj, all the map information can be read in this format by all related functions, such as grid statistics.

Use this option to pack all the files (e.g., grids, images, symbols, 3D Views, projection information) that are displayed on a map into a single file and attach it to an email in one step. When the recipient opens the packed map in Oasis montaj, the map will appear exactly as it did before you sent it.

  1. Select (highlight) the map you want to send.

  2. On the Map menu select Pack and Send To, or from the right mouse button menu in the Project Explorer, select Pack and Send Map To.

  3. A new email will be composed in your default email program with an attached packed Map file.