Reproject a Voxel

Use the Voxel > Utilities > Reproject a Voxel menu option (geogxnet.dll(Geosoft.GX.VoxUtils.ReprojectVoxel;Run)*), to reproject a voxel that includes a projected coordinate system.

Reproject a Voxel dialog options

Input Voxel

File name

Select the voxel file to be reprojected.


  • The input voxel must have a projected coordinate system. Voxels that lack a coordinate system or with geographic coordinates can not be reprojected.
  • Coordinate system

    The Coordinate system entry is read-only and is automatically populated from the input voxel.

    Coordinate system units

    The Coordinate system units are read-only and are automatically populated from the input voxel.

    Output Voxel

    File name

    Specify the output voxel file name. A new voxel file will be created from the input voxel file, with a modified projected coordinate system. The extension ".geosoft_voxel is added automatically.

    Script Parameter: VOXEL_REPROJECT.OUTPUT

    Coordinate system

    The output Coordinate system is read-only and is automatically populated from the output voxel.

    To change the coordinate system, click the Modify Coordinate System button. The default is "Undefined"; however, once a coordinate system has been set, it will be remembered and populated on subsequent runs.

    Script Parameters:





    Coordinate system units

    The output Coordinate system units are read-only and are automatically populated from the output voxel.

    To change the coordinate system units, click the Modify Coordinate System button. The default is "metre"; however, once a coordinate system has been set, it will be remembered and populated on subsequent runs.

    The units apply to the horizontal and vertical coordinates of the voxel. When reprojecting a voxel into a coordinate system that uses different horizontal units, the vertical units are also scaled.


    [Modify Coordinate System]

    Click the Modify Coordinate System button to display the Coordinate System dialog.

    The output voxel projection is restricted to projected coordinate systems.

    Application Notes

    The Reproject a Voxel option creates a new voxel file from the input voxel file, with a modified projected coordinate system. The voxel cell sizes remain unchanged (except for scaling to account for a change in units) and the data is not re-sampled. The origin is altered in order that the output voxel is located at the same geographic location on the earth as the original however, the depth /vertical location of the voxel is not changed. The voxels rotation about the vertical axis is altered to ensure that the orientation with respect to north remains the same.

    *The GX.NET tools are embedded in the geogxnet.dll file located in the "...\Geosoft\Desktop Applications \bin" folder. If running this GX interactively, bypassing the menu, first change the folder to point to the "bin" directory, then supply the GX.NET tool in the specified format. See the topic Run GX for more details on running a GX.NET interactively.