Window a Voxel

Use the Voxel > Utilities > Window a Voxel menu option (geogxnet.dll(Geosoft.GX.VoxUtils.WindowVoxel;Run)*), to subset an existing voxel to a new voxel.

Window a Voxel dialog options

Input voxel file

Select the voxel file to be windowed.

Script Parameter: WINDOW_VOXEL.INPUT

Output voxel file

Specify the name for the windowed voxel file.


Clip output to remove dummies

Check this box to remove full layers in X, Y and/or Z where there are no valid (non-dummy) data items.

Script Parameter: WINDOW_VOXEL.CLIP (0: No, 1: Yes)

Horizontal Windowing

Check this box to perform horizontal windowing. Horizontal windowing can be done using either a polygon file, or by specifying individually the limits in X and/or Y.

Script Parameter: WINDOW_VOXEL.HORIZONTAL_WINDOWING (0: No, 1: Yes, Default: 1)

To a polygon

Select this radio button to activate the controls for polygon file windowing.

Script Parameter: WINDOW_VOXEL.HORIZONTAL_MODE (0: To a polygon, 1: To ranges in X and Y, Default: 0)

Polygon file (*.ply)

Browse to the Geosoft polygon (*.ply) file to use to window the voxel.

Script Parameter: WINDOW_VOXEL.PLY

Mask values

Select whether to mask values inside the selected polygon or outside. Geosoft polygons can be created with both inclusive and exclusive polygons. Selecting outside produces the normal expected behaviour; only data values located within the polygon inclusion areas will remain after the windowing. Selecting inside reverses the normal behaviour.

Script Parameter: WINDOW_VOXEL.MASK (0: inside, 1: outside, default: 1)

To ranges in X and Y

Select this radio button to activate the controls for horizontal windowing using X and Y minimum and maximum values.

Script Parameter: WINDOW_VOXEL.HORIZONTAL_MODE (0: To a polygon, 1: To ranges in X and Y, Default: 0)

Minimum X, Y

Maximum X, Y

Select the ranges in X and Y to retain in the output voxel file. If a range is not specified (left blank), then no limit is applied; the range is left open.


Vertical Windowing

Check this box to perform depth windowing. Depth windowing is done using specified limits in Z.

Script Parameter: WINDOW_VOXEL.VERTICAL_WINDOWING (0: No, 1: Yes, Default: 0)

Minimum Z

Maximum Z

Select the range in Z to retain in the output voxel file. If a range is not specified (left blank), then no limit is applied; the range is left open.

Script Parameters: WINDOW_VOXEL.MINZ, MAXZ


Application Notes

*The GX.NET tools are embedded in the geogxnet.dll file located in the "...\Geosoft\Desktop Applications \bin" folder. If running this GX interactively, bypassing the menu, first change the folder to point to the "bin" directory, then supply the GX.NET tool in the specified format. See the topic Run GX for more details on running a GX.NET interactively.

When subsetting a voxel:

  • dummy layers can be optionally removed from the output voxel.

  • the voxel can be windowed to the polygon file or along major axes.

  • the output voxel can be the inside or outside of the specified coverage.

  • the voxel can be windowed either as a vertical block or as a horizontal slab.

All the above operations maintain the proper registration and the integrity of the original voxel data.

If none of the three windowing operations are selected, then the output voxel file will simply be a copy of the voxel input.