Sort Rows/Columns

Use the Database Tools > Array Channels > Sort Rows/Columns menu option (VASORT GX) to sort the rows or columns of an array channel in each selected line.

Sort Rows/Columns dialog options


Name of the channel to sort

Script Parameter: SORTCHAN.CHANNEL


Sort each row, or each column.

Script Parameter: VASORT.SORT (0: Sort rows, 1: Sort columns)


"Ascending" or "Descending".

Script Parameter: VASORT.ORDER (0:Ascending, 1: Descending)

Application Notes

The contents of the specified array channel are sorted in each selected line. Each individual row or column is treated independently, so these processes will certainly scramble the data – the sort order may be different for each individual row or column.

Use the SORTALL GX to sort all channels (including array channels) on a line based on a reference channel and thus maintain fiducial relationships.