IP Plan Map

Use the IP Plan Map option, (geogxnet.dll(Geosoft.GX.IP.IPPlanMap;Run)*), to plot the locations of the electrodes along with an optional surface image on a map.

IP Plan Map dialog options

Map name

The name of the output plan map file.

Script Parameter: IP_PLAN_MAP.MAP

Plot coordinates

This prompt appears if the current IP database contains both local and projected coordinates. In this case you can produce the plan map in either coordinate system.

Script Parameter: IP_PLAN_MAP. PLOT_COORDINATES [0- Projected (default), 1 – Local]

Transmitter 1 & 2


Receiver 1 & 2

These four tabs collect the XY coordinate channels of up to four electrodes. Intelligent defaults are built into the tool to identify the typically expected channel names.

This tool recognizes if the electrode positions are still in a local coordinate system or if they have been georeferenced.

In the former case, you will be prompted to provide the coordinates along the survey line or (stations); this is the abscissa (Along-line channel). Optionally, the coordinate normal to the survey line (line) can also be provided (Across-line channel).

In the latter case, you will be prompted to provide the georeferenced coordinates (X and Y fields).

Script Parameter for georeferenced data: IP_PLAN_MAP.ENM

Where in the ENM syntax:

  • E is Tx for Transmitter and Rx for Receiver

  • N is 1 or 2

  • M is X and Y

Script Parameter for local coordinate system: IP_PLAN_MAP.ENM

Where in the ENM syntax:

  • E is T for Transmitter and R for Receiver

  • N is 1 or 2

  • M is X or Y to represent the abscissa along line

  • If provided, 'Across line' is the ordinate


An optional coinciding grid can be displayed on the map. If you are plotting the plan map in local coordinates you most probably won’t have a coinciding grid to display.

Script Parameter: IP_PLAN_MAP.GRID


If a grid is provided, then select the colour scheme for rendering the image of the selected grid. If you hover the cursor over the colour scheme entry, a tool tip will display the name of the colour table in its folder. To modify the selection, click on the colour entry and then navigate through the scheme categories.

Script Parameter: IP_PLAN_MAP.COLOR

Colour method

Specify the colour zoning method for rendering colour distributions. Select one of the options below:

  • As last displayed: the grid is displayed in its last viewed state: its previous colour transform is used, and the currently selected colour scheme will be ignored.

  • Default: the default colour distribution method is used.

  • Histogram equalization: your data values are evaluated, and the zones are statistically determined, such that data is equally divided among the histogram bins.
  • Normal distribution: your data is assumed to be normally distributed, and the zones are determined based on the standard distribution for a standard bell curve.
  • Linear: the range of data values are divided linearly into even increments.
  • Logarithmic: the zone values are updated based on the log distribution of the data, and the data is displayed using the log-linear colour distribution.

Script Parameter: IP_PLAN_MAP.METHOD

Application Notes

Depending on the survey configuration, you may be prompted for as little as one coordinate per electrode and as few as one transmitter and one receiver.

If plotting in local coordinates, this tool figures out if the lines should be plotted along the X or Y coordinate. If the ordinate is not present, then the line number or the line coordinate is used as the ordinate.

A legend is placed on the map that describes the symbols used to display each set of electrodes. On the map, Transmitter 1s are displayed with red x’s and Transmitter 2s if provided with red +’s. Receiver 1s are displayed with larger blue circles and Receiver 2s if provided with small blue circles.

*The GX.NET tools are embedded in the geogxnet.dll file located in the "...\Geosoft\Desktop Applications \bin" folder. If running this GX interactively, bypassing the menu, first change the folder to point to the "bin" directory, then supply the GX.NET tool in the specified format. See the topic Run GX for more details on running a GX.NET interactively.