Quality Control by Data Range

Use the Quality Control > By Data Range option, (geogxnet.dll(Geosoft.GX.IP.QCByDataRange;Run)*), to reject data values outside a user specified range.

Quality Control by Data Range dialog options


Select the lines to test. The options are: the selected lines (the default option), the currently displayed line, and all the lines.

Script Parameter: IP_QC_BYDATARANGE.LINES [S – Selected lines (default), A – All lines, D – Displayed line]


The data range of this channel will be used to conduct the Quality Control test. You could optionally provide a second data channel to test alongside the first one. In this case you must indicate if the condition of both channels should be met or only one or the other is adequate to flag the data row.

Script Parameters:


IP_QC_BYDATARANGE.CHANNELS_CONDITION [0 – and (default), 1 – or]


QC channel

The QC channel(s) that are checked will get updated with the outcome of this QC tool. By default, QC-Res and QC-IP are both checked.

Script Parameter: IP_QC_BYDATARANGE.APPLY_TO_QC_IP [0 – unchecked, 1 – checked (default)]

Script Parameter: IP_QC_BYDATARANGE.APPLY_TO_QC_RES [0 – unchecked, 1 – checked (default)]

QC selection

To add the outcome of this test to the existing QC, select Append to existing. To entirely replace it, select Overwrite existing.

Script Parameter: IP_QC_BYDATARANGE.APPEND_MODE [0 – Append (default), 1 – Overwrite]


This table is contextual and grows according to the number of specified QC channels.


Specify the acceptable data range for each selected channel. The default is the entire data range.

Script Parameters:





Mask Range

For each selected channel, indicate if the range Inside or Outside of the provided Minimum /Maximum is to be turned off.

Script Parameters:

IP_QC_BYDATARANGE.CONDITIONDATAGRIDVIEW_0_3 [0 – Inside (default), 1 – Outside]

Absolute Values

Depending on the configuration and channel selected, the range may span over negative readings. If this is the case and you are only testing for the magnitude of the data, check this box.

Script Parameters:

IP_QC_BYDATARANGE. IP_QC_BYDATARANGE.CONDITIONDATAGRIDVIEW_0_4 [False – unchecked (default), True – checked]

IP_QC_BYDATARANGE. IP_QC_BYDATARANGE.CONDITIONDATAGRIDVIEW_1_4 [False – unchecked (default), True – checked]

Valid Items

This filed indicates how many points for each channel pass the test.

Data Statistics

To help with setting the valid data ranges, the statistics of the selected channel(s) are displayed.

Application Notes

It is recommended to use this tool together with the 3D Array Plot in order to visually inspect the retained valid data points.

*The GX.NET tools are embedded in the geogxnet.dll file located in the "...\Geosoft\Desktop Applications \bin" folder. If running this GX interactively, bypassing the menu, first change the folder to point to the "bin" directory, then supply the GX.NET tool in the specified format. See the topic Run GX for more details on running a GX.NET interactively.