Export to Geosoft IPDATA Format File

Use the IP & Resistivity > Export > Geosoft IPDATA Format option (IPEXPIPDATA GX) to export lines from the current database to Geosoft IPDATA files.

Export to Geosoft IPDATA Format dialog options


Channel to export. Select one from the list. Both normal and array channels are valid selections.

Script Paramter: IP.IPCHAN


Select which lines to export. The options are the currently displayed line, the selected lines (the default) and all the lines.

Script Parameter: IP.LINES - "A" : All lines, "S" : Selected lines (default), "D" : Displayed line


Title to appear as the first line in the IPDATA files

Script Parameter: IP.IPDATATITLE

Application Notes

The IPEXPIPDATA GX is used to export one or more lines from the current database to individual Geosoft IPDATA format files. The file names are created from the line numbers and the extension ".dat". One file is created for each line. Care should be taken as previously created files in the working directory with the same names will be overwritten.

The IPDATA format was introduced for the DOS IP system, and was produced by running the IPDATA programme on an instrument dump file.