Geostrings Toolbar

The Geostrings toolbar is displayed and active when in Geostring Edit mode within the map window when you create or open an existing geostring from one of the following menus: Map Tools, Section Tools, or DH-Plot.

The Geostrings toolbar drives the digitizing workflow for drawing interpretations on your section maps.

Digitize Interpretations

This option is available once a geostring and section map are open. Click this button to begin digitizing interpretations for the specified Feature. You can Toggle Snapping on or off to digitize interpretations.



With a geostring open, specify the active Feature. The feature that is specified is the one that will be drawn on a section map when the Digitize Interpretation tool is used.

Manage Geostring

With a geostring open, this option opens the Manage <geostring name> dialog. Use this option to add a new feature, delete a feature or edit selected features in a Geostring file and as well, change the coordinate system of the geostring itself.

Toggle Snapping

Click this button to toggle snapping on or off. If snapping is on, a red circle will appear around the digitizing cursor, when it comes within 10x10 pixels of the specified Snap To item. The circle will turn pink if the snap to point is off the plane of the section. The circle will turn orange when snapping to a vertex or node of an existing geostring feature.


Select a database under True Drillhole Locations, A Projected Map Group, or one of the existing Geostring Features to snap to.

True Drillhole Locations: The cursor will snap to the true X, Y, Z location along the drillhole trace for the from or to intervals in the specified drillhole database.

Projected Map Groups: The cursor will snap to the X, Y, Z location of the specified map group projected onto the centre plane of the section.

Geostring Features: The cursor will snap to the X, Y, Z location of the specified geostring feature.

Select Interpretations

With a geostring open, use this tool to select interpretations on your section map. Ctrl+click can be used to select more than one interpretation.

Selected interpretations can be deleted, edited or assigned to another Feature.

Edit Vertices

With a geostring open, use this tool to edit locations of vertices of the selected interpretation on your map.

Add Vertices

With a geostring open and the selected geostring feature in Edit mode, use this tool to add new vertices between existing vertices in the selected geostring feature.

Delete Vertices

With a geostring open and the selected geostring feature in Edit mode, use this tool to delete vertices from the selected geostring feature.

Delete Selected Interpretation(s)

With a geostring open, use this option to delete selected interpretations from a section. Wireframing progress for the selected feature will also be deleted. This operation cannot be undone.

Interpretation Properties

Use this option to assign selected interpretation(s) to a different Feature.

Geostring Table

Click this button to open the Geostring Table. A summary of section maps with interpretations displays. Double-click a row in the table to open the map. Click Delete to delete all the interpretations from a selected section map. You can also find a missing map for rows highlighted in red.

Close Geostring

Click this option to close the geostring. When the Geostring is closed, the interpretations are no longer displayed in the map(s).

In Oasis montaj and Target, an open geostring is displayed in the open section maps. When the geostring is closed they are no longer displayed in the map. If the geostring is open, but the Target Project databases are not open, then the option to snap to true drillhole location cannot be used.