GM-SYS Profile View Manager

The GM-SYS Profile View Manager controls the display of map layers that have been added to the Plan View, Depth, and Time panes of a model. View Manager is a simplified version of the Oasis montaj Map Manager that contains model views for the Plan View, Depth, and Time panes. Each view (Plan, Depth, Time), lists the data groups (layers) contained within that model pane and provides controls for modifying how the individual groups are displayed.

The View Manager provides controls to modify how each group is displayed. Within the View Manager, you may:

  • Toggle each layer on or off
  • Change the transparency of a layer
  • Change the rendering order of the layers within a view
  • Remove (delete) any layer from the model
  • Modify the grid or image display by calling the Colour Tool

Layers on a map are rendered in the top-down order of the groups in the View Manager. The render order of groups can be changed by dragging and dropping them at the desired location. Modifying the rendering order also works for multiple selected groups. However, all raster groups in the map are rendered before any vector groups, and all map content is rendered before (i.e. below) the other objects in the model (e.g. block fill, labels, wells).

View Manager Docking Behaviour

  • It can only be docked to the left side of the model.

  • It can be "pinned" - open or "unpinned" - displayed as a tab on the left side of the map.

  • It cannot be closed.

  • It cannot be a floating window.

Application Notes

Models created prior to version 9.8 may contain backdrop images in the Depth and/or Time panes and an embedded map displayed in the Plan View pane. When these models are opened in version 9.8 or later, the model format is upgraded. As part of the upgrade, backdrop images are converted to georeferenced section images and displayed in the appropriate map view (Depth or Time) as a raster group. The Plan View map groups are all copied independently into the Plan view of the map.