Add Data to an Existing GM-SYS Model

The GMSANOM GX will extract magnetic and/or gravity data and station elevations from grids for inclusion into an existing (closed) GM‑SYS model. Existing files are overwritten.

Add Data to an Existing GM-SYS Model dialog options

Existing model name

The name of the GM-SYS Profile Modelling model.


Magnetic grid

Total magnetic field grid (nT).

Script Parameter: GMSANOM.MAGAGRD

Magnetic elevation grid

Magnetic field observation elevation grid. (Must be in the "Vertical Distance units" specified below).

Script Parameter: GMSANOM.MAGZGRD

OR constant magnetic elevation

Constant magnetic observation elevations; only used if no grid is specified for the magnetic elevations. Either Bouguer or free-air anomaly grid (mGal).


Gravity grid

Gravity grid (milligals), either Bouguer anomaly or free-air anomaly.

Script Parameter: GMSANOM.GRVGRD

Gravity elevation grid

Gravity observation elevation grid (+ up). (Must be in the "Vertical Distance units" specified below).

Script Parameter: GMSANOM.GRVZGRD

OR constant gravity elevation

Constant gravity observation elevation; only used if no grid is specified for the gravity observation elevations. Defaults to Observation Elevation from current 3D model.


Minimum X (model coords.)

The point at which the initial data value is extracted. (Must be in the "Horizontal Distance units" specified below).

Script Parameter: GMSANOM.XMIN

Sample interval

Spacing between extracted points. (Must be in the "Horizontal Distance units" specified below).

Script Parameter: GMSANOM.DX

Number of points in profile

The number of points to extract in the model profile. There cannot be more than 1,000 points in the Standard version of GM‑SYS. The Hi-Res version allows 16,000.

Script Parameter: GMSANOM.NX

Vertical distance units

Choose the vertical distance units from the list. All elevations must be expressed in this unit.


Horizontal distance units

Choose the horizontal distance units from the list. The "Minimum X" and "Sample Interval" (see above) must be expressed in this unit.


Application Notes

If the grids used have projections associated with them, gmsanom uses them: otherwise it assumes the units specified by the Horizontal Distance unit. If the model does not have projection information in the .ECS file, gmsanom assumes that projection information found in the first grid is the same as the model and writes that projection information into the .ECS file.