Plot GM-SYS Model Location

Run the GMSDATA GX to draw symbols on a map at the locations of gravity or magnetic data stations in a GM-SYS Profile Modelling model. Alternatively, you may draw a line showing the profile location from a "view" in the model.

Plot GM-SYS Model Location dialog options

Model name

The name of the GM-SYS Profile Modelling model.


Plot location of

Choose "GRV" for gravity station locations, "MAG" for magnetic station locations, or "PROFILE" for a line indicating the extents of a model "view".

Script Parameter: GMSDATA. DATATYPE

GM-SYS Stations Plot dialog options


Select symbol number.

Script Parameter: GMSDATA.SYMBOL

Size (mm)

Specify symbol size in mm.

Script Parameter: GMSDATA.SIZE


Select symbol weight.

Script Parameter: GMSDATA.SYMBOL_WT

Line colour

Select symbol colour.


Fill colour

Select fill colour.

Script Parameter: GMSDATA.FILL_COLOR

Group by

(0: Individual Symbols, 1: By Line/Group (default)).

Grouping in the plot. If "Line/group" is selected, then symbol attributes can only be edited for entire lines or groups. If "Individual symbols" is selected, the symbols can be edited individually. The former selection is the default, and will be faster, especially for very large data sets

Script Parameter: GMSDATA.GROUP

GM-SYS Plot dialog options

Label size (mm)

Specify character size in mm.

Script Parameter: GMSDATA.SIZE


Select symbol weight.

Script Parameter: GMSDATA.PROFILE_WT

Line colour

Select symbol colour.


Extents from

Select GM-SYS Profile Modelling model "view" to define line extents to plot. Choices are the view names saved in the model plus "User input". If "User Input" is selected, an additional dialog appears to enter X-min and X-max.

GM-SYS Limits dialog options

X min (KM)

Starting X-coordinate (in profile coordinate kilometers) for plot line.

Script Parameter: GMSDATA.XLEFT

X max (KM)

Ending X-coordinate (in profile coordinate kilometers) for plot line.

Script Parameter: GMSDATA.XRIGHT