Examine Block

Examine a block to display the Block Attributes dialog. Here you may set the block parameters, including name, 2¾-D length, density, susceptibility, remanent magnetization, velocity, and display colour and pattern. The surfaces surrounding the selected block will be highlighted in the cross-section.

To Set Block Parameters

  1. On the Action menu, select Examine.

  2. Click within the block you wish to modify. The Block Attributes dialog appears.

  3. In the Name field, you can change the name of the block.

  4. Click within the colour blocks to change the block foreground colour or block background colour.pattern.

  5. Click within the pattern area to change the pattern. A foreground colour (non-white) must be selected before you can select a pattern.

  6. Check 2¾-D to activate the Y tabs for editing.

  7. Check or un-check Show Label to make the label visible or hidden.

  8. Set the Transparency if you wish to make this block or all blocks transparent.

  9. You can change the Density of the block.

  10. You can change the Seismic Velocity of the block.

  11. You can change Magnetic Susceptibility and Remanent Magnetization in the Magnetics and Remanence fields.

  12. When all desired changes have been made, click Apply.

  13. Click OK. Depending upon the changes made, the appearance of the block may change in the Plan View or Cross-section pane and the model response may be updated.