Edit Category Legend

Use the Edit Legend button in the Legend tab of the 3D Manager tool to open and edit the category legend of the currently selected object.

Edit Legend dialog options

Font size (mm)

The font size of the text describing the category items. The labels are plotted to the left of the legend boxes

Box height (mm)

The height of the colour box for each category item.

Box width (mm)

The width of the colour box for each category item.

Label / Code

Choose whether to display the labels or the classification codes for the category items.

Application Notes

Note that these options only affect the way in which the legend information is displayed in the Legend tab; to change the colours that are used, click the Edit button that is associated with the object type (e.g., Colour Tool for voxels and grids, Edit Symbols for 3D symbols, Edit Collars for drillhole collars etc.)

There are two styles of legends: Colour legend and Category legend. For more information about the Colour legend, see the Edit Colour Legend topic.