Legend Tab

The Legend tab is available under the 3D Manager panel when one of the following 3D Objects groups is selected in the 3D Manager tree: voxels (data, vector or lithology types), grids, any of the variable coloured 3D drillholes (Collars, Traces, or Lithology) and variable coloured 3D Symbols. For more information on the other tabs, refer to the links at the bottom of this topic.

Voxels and Grids

To access the Colour Tool:
  1. Click the Colour Tool button and the Colour Tool dialog will be displayed.

    The Colour Tool enables you to interactively edit the colour display of the active grid or the selected 2D or 3D group layer, to store your custom colour configurations in specialized colour scheme files (*.ITR, *.AGG, *.ZON, *.TBL, *.LUT), and to apply the colour zone files to any of the displayed image layers.

  2. Click the OK button to close the Colour Tool dialog.

    The 3D group will be redrawn in the 3D View and the changes will be reflected in the Legend tab.

To edit the Colour Legend:
  1. Click the Edit Legend button to open the Edit Legend dialog.

    The Edit Legend dialog enables you to define the width and height of the legend colour boxes and the font size for plotting the colour range values. The minimum and maximum range values can be posted and a maximum total height of the legend can be specified.

  2. Click the OK button to close the Edit Legend dialog.

    The changes will be reflected in the Legend tab.

  3. The Legend tab for the voxel represents the data itself and is not adjusted to changes in the resolution slider setting.

Lithology Voxels

To modify the lithology selection:
  1. Click the Lithology Selection button to open the Lithology Selection dialog.

    The Lithology Selection dialog enables you to select (or deselect) lithology data units to be plotted in the 3D View and the Legend.

  2. Click the OK button to close the Lithology Selection dialog.

    The Lithology voxel will be redrawn in the 3D View and the changes will be reflected in the Legend tab.

To edit the Category Legend:
  1. Click the Edit Legend button to open the Edit Legend dialog.

    The Edit Legend dialog enables you to define the width and height of the legend colour boxes and the font size for plotting the classification codes or labels. All lithology category units or just selected category items can be plotted in the legend.

  2. Click the OK button to close the Edit Legend dialog.

    The changes will be reflected in the Legend tab.

  3. Note that the Legend tab for the lithology voxel represents the data itself and is not adjusted to changes in the resolution slider setting.

3D Symbols

To edit the 3D symbols:
  1. Click the Edit 3D Symbols button to open the Edit 3D Symbols dialog.

    The Edit 3D Symbols dialog enables you to change the shape of the symbols, to specify a mask channel and to modify the colour and size options as well as other selections for plotting the symbols.

  2. If the colour option is 'Fixed', the Legend tab will become unavailable and the symbols will be plotted with the specified unchanging colour.

  3. Click the OK button to close the Edit 3D Symbols dialog.

    The 3D Symbols group will be redrawn in the 3D View, and the changes will be reflected in the Legend tab.

To edit the Colour Legend:
  1. Click the Edit Legend button to open the Edit Legend dialog.

    The Edit Legend dialog enables you to define the width and height of the legend colour boxes and the font size for plotting the colour range values. The minimum and maximum range values can be posted and a maximum total height of the legend can be specified.

  2. Click the OK button to close the Edit Legend dialog.

    The changes will be reflected in the Legend tab.

3D Drillhole Collars

To edit the collars:
  1. Click the Edit Collars button to open the Edit Collars dialog.

    The Edit Collars dialog enables you to change the shape and size of the drillhole collars, the colour option and selection for plotting the collars, and various options for plotting the labels.

  2. If the colour option is 'Fixed', the Legend tab will become unavailable and the collars will be plotted with the specified unchanging colour.

  3. Click the OK button to close the Edit Collars dialog.

    The 3D Collars group will be redrawn in the 3D View, and the changes will be reflected in the Legend tab.

To edit the Category Legend:
  1. Click the Edit Legend button to open the Edit Legend dialog.

    The Edit Legend dialog enables you to define the width and height of the legend colour boxes and the font size for plotting the classification codes or labels.

  2. Click the OK button to close the Edit Legend dialog.

    The changes will be reflected in the Legend tab.

3D Drillhole Traces

To edit the traces:
  1. Click the Edit Traces button to open the Edit Traces dialog.

    The Edit Traces dialog enables you to change the trace style and size, the colour option and selection for plotting the traces as well as various options for plotting the labels.

  2. If the trace colour option is 'Fixed', the Legend tab will become unavailable and the traces will be plotted with the specified unchanging colour.

  3. Click the OK button to close the Edit Traces dialog.

    The 3D Traces group will be redrawn in the 3D View, and the changes will be reflected in the Legend tab.

To edit the Category Legend:
  1. Click the Edit Legend button to open the Edit Legend dialog.

    The Edit Legend dialog enables you to define the width and height of the legend colour boxes and the font size for plotting the classification codes or labels.

  2. Click the OK button to close the Edit Legend dialog.

    The changes will be reflected in the Legend tab.

3D Drillhole Lithology

To edit lithology codes:
  1. Click the Edit lithology button to open the Edit Lithology dialog.

    The Edit Lithology dialog enables you to change the Rock code file selection and to specify a different size for plotting the Lithology tubes.

  2. Click the OK button to close the Edit Lithology dialog.

    The 3D Lithology group will be redrawn in the 3D View, and the changes will be reflected in the Legend tab.

To edit the Category Legend:
  1. Click the Edit Legend button to open the Edit Legend dialog.

    The Edit Legend dialog enables you to define the width and height of the legend colour boxes and the font size for plotting the colour range values. The minimum and maximum range values can be posted and a maximum total height of the legend can be specified.

  2. Click the OK button to close the Edit Legend dialog.

    The changes will be reflected in the Legend tab.