3D Drillhole Lithology – View and Modify Attributes

Use the Attributes tab to view and modify the properties of the 3D Lithology in your 3D View. For more information on clipping, refer to the Modify 3D Clipping topic. For more information on the colour legend, refer to the Modify 3D Legend topic.

Attributes Tab

To Specify the Transparency of the 3D Lithology Layer

The Transparency of the 3D Lithology layer can be adjusted interactively by moving the slider on the Transparency bar. To increase the transparency, slide the bar to the right and to decrease the transparency, slide the bar to the left.

To Determine the Source Drillhole Project

The source drillhole project name used for plotting the 3D Lithology is listed below the Transparency slider.

To Determine the Source Lithology Channel

The source channel name used for plotting the 3D Lithology is listed below the Transparency slider. This cannot be changed by editing the lithology layer; a new layer must be created.

To Change the Rock Code File

Click on the Edit Lithology button to open the Edit Lithology dialog.

Click the Browse button under the Lithology tab to locate and select a defined Rock code file in (*.csv) format.

To Change the Size of the Drillholes Lithology

Click on the Edit Lithology button to open the Edit Lithology dialog.

Under the Lithology tab, specify a different size for plotting the Lithology tubes or use the Calculate button to revert to the default estimated value.

Application Notes

  • Clicking the Edit Lithology button will prompt to locate the source drillhole Project (listed in the Attributes panel) if it is not currently open.

  • Editing the selected 3D Drillhole group and clicking OK, redraws the 3D Lithology group in the 3D View, and updates the read-only parameters in the Attributes panel. Note that the other 3D drillhole groups are not updated at this time, only the collar symbols.

  • A legend tab will not automatically appear for any 3D Drillhole groups that were created prior to version 9.3. In order to create the legend, either replot all the 3D Drillholes by going to Add to 3D | Drillhole | 3D Drillholes… or select the group that you would like a legend for and click the Edit button on the Attributes tab. The 3D Drillhole Legend will appear as soon as the group has been refreshed

  • 3D Drillholes groups generated prior to version 9.1 will continue to appear in the 3D Manager tree with vector icons and with limited information displayed in the Attributes panel (Transparency slider and Colour control button). 3D Lithology that was generated post-9.1 will provide additional, more detailed information in the Attributes panel. The 3D Drillholes groups are backwards compatible; however, the information in the Attributes panel will be limited to that of the previous versions.