Modify Rendering Settings

Use the Rendering tab to adjust rendering, resolution, and scaling parameters in the 3D Viewer, Voxel Viewer, or Geosurface Viewer windows. The controls on this dialog are system controls and changes made on this dialog will affect all 3D maps in your Oasis montaj system.

The rendering process makes heavy use of the available memory on your video card, and performance will be substantially reduced if your limits are exceeded. Click here for more information.

See below for answers for:

Modify the rendering quality option:

  • Select the Always use high quality spinning check box to apply high quality spinning to your 3D View.

    The high quality spinning setting affects the rendering of 3D symbols, 3D drillholes and grids. Note that the grid rendering sliders may also be used to increase the quality of the appearance of grids in 3D.

Adjust grid rendering when the 3D view is moving:

The grid resolution, which is affected when the view is in constant motion (i.e., rotating, zooming or panning) can be adjusted interactively by moving the slider on the resolution bar.

  • To interactively adjust the grid display resolution, use your cursor to move the slider on the resolution bar.


  • To increase the resolution, slide the bar to the right and to decrease the resolution, slide the bar to the left.

  • Increasing the resolution will increase the amount of memory needed and may reduce your performance.

Adjust grid rendering when the 3D view is at rest:

Grid rendering, which occurs every time you modify the 3D view and the view is redrawn, can be adjusted interactively by moving the slider on the rendering bar.

  • To interactively adjust the level of rendering detail, using your cursor, move the slider on the rendering bar.


  • To increase the rendering, slide the bar to the right and to decrease the rendering, slide the bar to the left.

  • Increasing the rendering will increase the amount of memory needed and may reduce your performance.

Render any images and grids first:

  • Select the Render images and grids first on layers check box to render (draw) any raster images and grids first.

    Grid and image rendering happens on a per plane basis, so if there are three images or grids on a single plane, they will be drawn in the order listed in the 3D Manager.

Modify the scale of the X, Y and Z coordinates:

The Axes Scaling option enables you to independently specify the ratio of the X, Y and Z coordinates. For example, if you wanted to exaggerate the Z axis you would specify; X = 1, Y = 1, Z = 2 and the Z axis would be twice the size of the X and Y. However, as the ratios all refer to each other, a ratio of 3,3,3 is the same as 1,1,1.

  • Specify the scale for the X, Y and Z coordinates (note that each coordinate can have its own scale factor). The change will be automatically applied to the 3D View.

Click the OK button to close the dialog and keep the changes, or press Cancel to exit the dialog and revert to your previous 3D View settings.


When the rendering option is set to maximum it can easily consume hundreds of megabytes of memory (200-600 MB). If you do not have adequate memory available, the rendering will take a very long time. If you have less than 256 MB of RAM, you should not increase the control.


The resolution moves 128 KB to the video card at the low range, 2 MB at the middle range, and 24 MB at the high range. This means that every time you change the resolution you move that much memory to the video card. Unfortunately, if your memory bandwidth is low or your video card is not very fast this slows down the resolution time.