Modify Navigation Settings

Use the Navigation tab to adjust mouse wheel related navigation options in the 3D, Voxel, or Geosurface Viewer window.

It is important to note that the controls on the Navigation tab are system controls and changes made to this dialog will affect all 3D Views in your Oasis montaj system.

To modify the mouse wheel zoom direction:

The normal or default zoom behaviour is to zoom in (towards the center of the 3D view) when pulling the mouse wheel towards you, and to zoom out (away from the center of the view) when pushing the mouse wheel away from you. Clicking this checkbox reverses that behaviour.

  • Select the Reverse mouse wheel zoom direction check box to reverse the direction the mouse wheel zoom acts on in your 3D view.

To change the zoom behaviour to follow the cursor while zooming:

The normal or default zoom behaviour is to zoom in towards the center of the 3D view, when using the mouse wheel to zoom in or out.

  • Select the Navigate to cursor during zoom check box to zoom towards the mouse cursor location, instead of the center of the view.

Also note that holding down the Ctrl key while zooming will give you the alternate zoom behaviour, whichever one is not the currently selected behaviour.

To change the default behaviour when changing views:

The normal or default behaviour is to use a brief animation when changing 3D views, in order to give the viewer visual context on where the view is moving from and to. This can happen when a saved snapshot is recalled; when the preset view orientation buttons are used (North view, West view, Top view etc.); when the current view is re-centered; or when you zoom to the extents of a selected object or to the full 3D view extents.

Select the Use animated transitions when changing view location check box to use a sequence of animated movements. When a snapshot is recalled, or any of the navigation tools listed below is exercised, the 'camera' or point of view will zoom out slightly, pause, rotate (if necessary), and then zoom in to the new viewing location. De-selecting this checkbox will use the instantaneous view changing behaviour as in previous versions.

3D Tools that can use animations:
  • Zoom to Selection
  • Zoom to Extents
  • Centre to Window
  • North View, South View, East View, West View, Top View, Bottom View
  • User Defined View