Bi-Directional Line Gridding

Use the BIGRID GX to create a new grid file using the Bi-directional gridding method.

Bi-Directional Line Gridding dialog options

Channel to grid

Select the database channel to grid.

Script Parameter: BIGRID.CHAN

Mask channel

Select a channel from the drop-down list to act as a mask (or filter) channel. String channels and channels with array size greater than 1 are omitted from the list.

The data values in the channel to grid with corresponding dummy (*) values in the mask channel will not be used in the gridding process.

This field is optional.


Output grid

The output grid will be placed in this file. The type of file can be controlled using the browse dialog, which is accessible from the [...] button.

Script Parameter: BIGRID.GRID

Grid cell size

Specify the grid cell size. The cell size is the distance between grid points in the X and Y directions. In most situations, the cell size can be selected as 1/4 to 1/8 of the line separation or the minimum station interval, whichever is greater. By default, BIGRID will choose a cell size based upon these criteria, although we do recommend that you choose the cell size directly.

Script Parameter: BIGRID.CS


Go to the Advanced Gridding Options dialog.

Application Notes

The Bi-Directional Line Gridding option generates a grid file using a two step process:

  1. Each line is interpolated along the original survey line to yield data values at the intersection of each required grid line with the observed value.
  2. The intersected points from each line are then interpolated in the across-line direction to produce a value at each required grid point.

The bigrid.log file is produced with each run and contains information about the bigrid process, including lines skipped due to backtracks or clipping.