Apparent Density Calculation (DENS)

Use the Apparent Density Calculation option to apply an apparent density calculation filter.

Apparent Density Calculation dialog options

Thickness of model layer

Thickness, in ground units, of the earth model t.

Background density

Background density in g/cm3, to be added to the density contrast map. The default is 0, which equates to the density map being relative to the average density.

Application Notes

Apparent density mapping assumes a simple model layer of fixed thickness and varying density to explain an observed gravity field. The response is assumed to be caused by a collection of vertical, square-ended prisms of infinite depth extent, the horizontal dimensions of which are equal to the input grid cell size. This is an idealized approximation hence the descriptor Apparent. It is highly recommended to downward continue the data to close to the top surface of the source model, using the CNDN filter operator.

Apparent Density Calculation



Gravitational constant.


Thickness in ground units, of the earth model.

Wavenumber domain variable definition


Wavenumber domain increment, used to depict a radially symmetrical variable.


np is the number of points

cs is the cell size


X component in the wavenumber domain. k = 2π ( i μ+j ν )


Y component in the wavenumber domain.



Radial component in the wavenumber domain.

also 2πk


Polar component in the wavenumber domain.