Grid Sections

Use the Section Tools > Grid Section(s) menu option or the 3D View > Grid Array Data menu option (geogxnet.dll(Geosoft.GX.GridUtils.GridArrayData;Run)*) to produce grids from a database array channel, correctly oriented in 3 dimensions.

The option can also be found on the Add to 3D > Grids menu in the 3D Viewer.

Grid Section(s) dialog options


Select the lines to grid, as either All lines, Selected lines, Displayed lines.

Each grid section name is concatenated using an optional prefix, the database name, channel name and line name.

Read about crooked section grids.

Script Parameter: GRIDCDI.LINES

Data array

Select the name of the channel containing the data array to grid. This entry is only populated with Array channel names.

Script Parameter: GRIDCDI.DATA

Depth array

If the depth increments are loaded onto the data array channel, this entry will be disabled. Otherwise, you can specify the depth array channel, specifying the vertical location of each of the data elements to plot. The entry is populated only with channels of the same dimension as the data array.

Script Parameter: CDI.DEPTH_ARRAY_CHAN

Negative depths

Select the Negative depths if the values in the depth array are specified in the same direction as elevation, and decrease downward. By default, this box is selected.

Script Parameter: CDI.NEGATIVE_DEPTHS_DOWN (default: 1)


Use this channel to define topography or a reference elevation. If defined, the depth or relative elevation values are added to the values here to give the true elevation ("Z") of each data value

Script Parameter: CDI.ELEVATION_CHAN

Prefix of section(s)

Specify a prefix for the output section grids. Adding a prefix to your output section grids may help you to filter (or sort) your sections. By default, this field is left blank and no prefix is added to the output section grids.

Script Parameter: GRIDCDI.PREFIX

Display option

Use the drop-down list option ,"Display grid", if you want the generated grids to be displayed in the current project workspace as individual grid files. If the option "Do not display" is selected, the grids will be added to the current project and listed in Project Explorer, but they will not be opened in the project workspace.

  • The default option "Do not display" overrides the Advanced Settings parameter "Display Created Grids", when its value is set to "True".
  • Script Parameter: GRIDCOPY.DISPLAY_OPTION ["Do not display" (default), "Display grid"]


    Select this button to reveal the Display and Grid sections parameters.

    Colour method

    Select the colour method as, As last displayed, Default, Histogram equalization, Normal distribution, Linear or Logarithmic. The As last displayed method will display each grid as it was displayed the last time the grid was viewed and the colour tables will be ignored.

    Script Parameter: GRIDCDI.ZONE


    Select Colours for rendering the image of the grids. To modify the selection, click on the colour scheme and the Select Colour Scheme dialog will appear. Use this dialog to navigate through the scheme categories, enabling you to select a colour scheme to best display your grid(s).

    Script Parameter: GRIDCDI.COLOR


    Specify the Brightness of the grid image. The normal brightness is defined at 0. You can change the brightness from -100 (black) to 100 (white) using either the slider bar or by entering an exact value.

    Script Parameter: GRIDCDI.BRIGHTNESS

    Reverse colour distribution

    Select the Reverse colour distribution box, to reverse the distribution of the selected colour scheme.

    For example, the colour scheme used for displaying resistivity data is the inverse of the scheme used for conductivity data. By enabling you to reverse the colour scheme on the fly, the same table can be used to display both.

    Script Parameter: GRIDCDI.REVERSE [0-No | 1 - Yes]

    Pixel view

    Select Pixel view for display purposes, by default, the grid is first interpolated to a smooth image at the screen resolution. If you prefer to honour the grid resolution, the image will appear pixelated and the colour will change at the actual grid interval rather than the screen resolution. Formerly, this functionality was found under the image filters as " No smoothing (GRD)". Check this box to forgo the smoothing.

    Script Parameter: GRIDCDI.PIXEL [0-No | 1 - Yes]


    Display method

    Select a display method from the drop-down list. Selections include three gridding methods: minimum curvature gridding, inverse distance weighting, and direct gridding.

    In addition, the pixel plot produces a grid-like output, but draws a rectangle around each data point, and so, unlike gridding, preserves both the original location and data values.

    Script Parameter: GRIDCDI.DISPLAY_METHOD

    Horizontal cell size

    Vertical cell size

    Depending on the display method, it is possible to set both the vertical and horizontal cell size (e.g. for Inverse Distance Weighted Gridding and Direct Gridding), or just the Horizontal cell size (Minimum Curvature Gridding uses square grid cells), or neither (pixel plot cell sizes vary in both dimensions depending on the data separations).

    Script Parameter: GRIDCDI.CELLSIZE_X

    Script Parameter: GRIDCDI.CELLSIZE_Z

    [Advanced Gridding Options]

    Select the "Advanced Gridding Options" button to modify the parameters of the selected gridding method. For more information on the contextual parameters, click the Help button on the Advanced gridding dialog.

    Application Notes

    For details on crooked sections, see the topic Crooked Section Grids.

    When displaying a 2D view of the sections, for each selected line in the database, the following procedure is used to construct a grid file:

    • The section horizontal axis values are constructed using the accumulated distance calculated from these channels.

    • The section vertical values are taken directly from the Depth channel or property.

    • The azimuth of the grid is calculated based on the first and last (X,Y) locations in the line.

    • The geolocated linking is in effect, and the cursor location is properly tracked between 2D and 3D maps, and databases.

    • The grid is created using either the minimum curvature method, inverse distance weighting, or direct gridding. In addition, the pixel plot produces a grid-like output, but draws a rectangle around each data point, and so, unlike gridding, preserves both the original location and data values.

    • The name of the grid is constructed with the Prefix, followed by the Database name, the Data channel name and Line name.

    *The GX tool will search in the "...\Geosoft\Desktop Applications \gx" folder. The GX.Net tools, however, are embedded in the geogxnet.dll located in the "...\Geosoft\Desktop Applications \bin" folder. If running this GX interactively, bypassing the menu, first change the folder to point to the "bin" folder, then supply the GX.Net tool in the specified format.