Manage Menus

Use the Project > Manage Menus menu option or click the Manage Menus button on the Project Explorer toolbar to load/unload menus to/from the main menu bar in your current Oasis montaj project.

Manage Menus dialog

Standard Menus

The standard menus of your application appear under the Standard Menus node. By default, in a new project all but the VOXI and GX Developer Debugger menus are loaded.


If you are licensed for extensions, you will find the corresponding menus under the Extensions node. See the Application Notes section for more details.

Custom Extensions

If you are licensed for a custom extension developed for your organization, the Custom Extensions node will appear.

User Menus

The User Menus node will appear if menu files (*.omn) are detected in your user menu folder (%USERPROFILE%\Documents\Geosoft\Desktop Applications\omn). Your personal menus will be listed under this node. See the Application Notes section for more details.

[Select All]

Click this button to select all the menus available to you.

[Restore Defaults]

Click this button to load only the original default menus.

Application Notes

When you create a new project, the standard menus are added by default on the menu bar; however, the extensions that you are licensed for are not loaded. You can load them as needed from the Extensions node (the 3rd party extensions of Oasis montaj are found under this node) or from the Custom Extensions node (if you are licensed for a custom extension developed for your organization). If you created your own personal menus, they will appear under the User Menus node (see Create Custom Menus for more details).

Extensions and Menus

Under any of the available extensions, expand an extension node to reveal the corresponding menus.

The check box in front of an extension indicates the state of its menus, regardless of it being expanded or collapsed. It indicates one of the following states:

    None of the menus of the extension are selected.

    All the menus of the extension are selected.

    Some but not all of the menus of the extension are selected.

The extension check box is a toggle that propagates to the menus.

  • If you collapse a top-level node while it contains checked menus then close and reopen the Manage Menus dialog, the nodes with checked menus are expanded to reveal your current selection.
  • Add/Remove Menus

    Depending on your needs, you can add or clear menus from the system. For example, when you receive a new subscription, such as Geophysics Levelling, one of the first steps in starting to work with the extension is to open a project and add the corresponding menus:

    1. To load a menu or multiple menus, check the menu item(s) and click OK. The menu(s) will appear on the main menu bar in your current Oasis montaj project.
    2. To unload single or multiple menus, uncheck the menu item(s) and click OK. The menu(s) will be removed from your current Oasis montaj project menu bar.