Create Multiparameter Section(s) from Data
Use the Section Tools > Create Multiparameter Section(s) from Data menu option (geogxnet.dll(Geosoft.GX.CrookedSections.MultiparameterSection;Run)*), to create a stacked section map of different data arrays along the same survey line.
Create Multiparameter Section(s) from Data dialog options
Channels to plot |
From the panel on the left, select the array channels to stack on a section map. The order in which the channels appear in the selection box will be honoured on the map. The selected array channels may have the depth information on-board, in which case the depth information of the first selected channel will be honoured for all. If the selected array channels do not have depth information on-board, you will be prompted for a depth channel. If the data array has a base property of type other than depth or elevation, the property is entirely ignored. You must then supply a depth array defining the array vertical point locations. Script Parameter: SECTION.SELECTED_CHANNELS |
Plot |
You have the option to plot sections from the current line, selected lines or all lines. The section data is gridded for plotting. If the grids exist, you will be asked to overwrite them. If the survey line is folded upon itself, the section is generated as a pixel plot, rather than a grid; this is purely for display purposes. Script Parameter: SECTION.LINES [D – Displayed, S- Selected, A- All] |
Depth array |
If the above data channel(s) have depth information on-board, this entry is unnecessary and so will remain disabled. If active, the list to select from is populated with array channels, of the same dimension as the selected data arrays. This channel specifies the vertical location of each of the data items to plot. The channel may contain values increasing up (elevations), or increasing down (depths). The onus is on you to properly pair the data array with a depth channel. Script Parameter: SECTION.DEPTH |
Negative depths |
Select this box if the values in the depth array are in a right-handed coordinate system (positive Z up, such as elevation). Script Parameter: CDI.NEGATIVE_DEPTHS_DOWN (default: 0) |
Elevation |
Use this channel to define topography or a reference elevation. If defined, the depth or relative elevation values are added to the elevation values here to give the true elevation ("Z") of each data value. Script Parameter: CDI.TOP_ELEVATION_CHAN |
Section map prefix |
Specify a prefix for the output map(s). Map names are formed by concatenating this prefix with the line number, separated by an underscore. Script Parameter: SECTION.PREFIX |
The horizontal scale of all sections. The scale is calculated so that the length of the line is equal to the View width found under the Map Layout tab when you expand the More Click the calculate If you make the scale smaller than the default setting scale, the default width of the map will not be wide enough. In this instance, the physical length of the section map will be adjusted to honour the user defined scale and the default indicated in the Map layout tab is overridden. Script Parameter: SECTION.SCALE |
Vertical exaggeration |
A vertical exaggeration of 1 generates a section map with an aspect ratio of 1. If you would like to stretch the vertical scale, click the calculate This parameter depends on the View height parameter located in the Map Layout tab. If you change the vertical exaggeration, you will be effectively modifying the vertical height of the section. The physical space allocated to the section on the map remains the same, potentially resulting in white space above and below the section within the section plot window. Therefore, it is recommended that when you change the vertical exaggeration parameter, you blank out the View height as well, to force the recalculation of the section view window. Script Parameter: SECTION.VERTICAL EXAG |
Surrounds |
The surrounds can be generated with default settings. If you do not desire surrounds on the section maps, select None. To further customize the section surround, select Custom and the Draw Section Surround dialog will appear. Script Parameter: SECTION.SURROUNDS [0 – None, 1 – Default (default), 2 – Custom] |
[More] |
All tabs under the More button have default settings. You can further customize the maps through the use of these parameters. |
Extents - view or window the extents of the data to plot
Start horizontal extent |
By default, the entire horizontal extent is plotted. Click the calculate Script Parameter: SECTION.START |
End horizontal extent |
By default, the entire horizontal extent is plotted. Click the calculate Script Parameter: SECTION.END |
Top elevation |
By default, the entire vertical extent is plotted. Click the calculate Script Parameter: SECTION.TOP_ELEVATION |
Bottom elevation |
By default, the entire vertical extent is plotted. Click the calculate Script Parameter: SECTION.BOTTOM_ELEVATION |
Display - specify colour display attributes
Grid - view or specify colour image resolution and gridding options
*This tab is only visible when a database has been selected as a source.
Map Layout - view or specify whether to plot to a new map or the current map, as well as the map and view names
View width View height |
Set the width and height, in cm, of the section view. These values are initialized to the values contained in the selected page layout. If you do change the default exaggeration on the main dialog, you can get a view confined to the section only if you blank out the View height and force the recalculation of this parameter. Script Parameter: SECTION.WIDTH Script Parameter: SECTION.HEIGHT |
Margins |
Set the 4 margins in cm, of the section view. These values are initialized to the values contained in the selected page layout. Script Parameter: SECTION.TOP_MARGIN_CM SECTION.BOTTOM_MARGIN_CM SECTION.LEFT_MARGIN_CM SECTION.RIGHT_MARGIN_CM |
Space between sections |
Only active for stacked sections; indicates the distance between adjacent section in cm. Script Parameter: SECTION.MARGIN |
Top Profile - specify a top topography profile
Topography |
Select the ground elevation channel, on the same axis as the elevation data. This can be, but does not have to be the same as the Elevation channel. Script Parameter: SECTION.TOPOGRAPHY |
Plot top of section |
Select to draw the trace of the topography along the top of the section(s). The Line thickness and Line colour for the topography trace will be enabled below. Script Parameter: SECTION.TOP_ELEVATION |
Line thickness (mm) |
Specify the line thickness of the trace in millimeters. Script Parameter: SECTION.TOP_PROFILE_LINE_THICKNESS |
Line Colour |
Select the line colour of the trace by clicking the colour scheme, and the Colour tool will appear. Script Parameter: SECTION.TOP_PROFILE_LINE_COLOUR |
Plot location symbols |
Select to indicate the location of the readings along the top of the section(s). The Symbol size, Edge colour and Fill colour for the symbols will be enabled below. Script Parameter: SECTION.PLOT_LOCATION_SYMBOLS |
Symbol size (mm) |
Specify the location symbol size in millimeters. Script Parameter: SECTION.LOCATION_SYMBOL_SIZE |
Edge colour |
Select the symbol edge colour by clicking the colour scheme, and the Colour tool will appear. Script Parameter: SECTION.LOCATION_SYMBOL_EDGE_COLOUR |
Fill colour |
Select the symbol fill colour by clicking the colour scheme, and the Colour tool will appear. Script Parameter: SECTION.LOCATION_SYMBOL_FILL_COLOUR |
Application Notes
*The GX tool will search in the "...\Geosoft\Desktop Applications \gx" folder. The GX.Net tools, however, are embedded in the geogxnet.dll located in the "...\Geosoft\Desktop Applications \bin" folder. If running this GX interactively, bypassing the menu, first change the folder to point to the "bin" folder, then supply the GX.Net tool in the specified format.
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