Array Display Options

In the database window, use the right-click menu option Array Display Options (VADISPLAY GX) to specify the windows to display for an array channel, as well as a base and range of values for the database cell profile plots.

Set Display Options for Array Channel dialog options

Array channel

The array channel to update. This value is set to the currently selected channel, and the values displayed for windows, base and range apply to that channel. If you select a different value from the list, the window, base and range values are NOT updated to the new channel’s values, so caution is advised.

Script Parameter: VADISPLAY.CHAN

First window (0 to N-2)

The first window to show. Array channel windows are indexed beginning at 0. For N windows, the last window that can be used as the "first" is N-2. If left blank, the first window defaults to 0.

Script Parameter: VADISPLAY.MINW

Last window
(1 to N-1)

The last window to show. Array channel windows are indexed beginning at 0. For N windows, the first window that can be used as the "first" is 1. If left blank, the last window defaults to N-1, the last window available.

Script Parameter: VADISPLAY.MAXW

Base value

Set the value at the bottom of all the individual cells. If this value or the range value is left blank, the individual profiles are auto-scaled to fit into each database row’s cell.

Script Parameter: VADISPLAY.BASE

Range in values

Set the range of values (amplitude) for all the individual cells. The maximum value shown is thus equal to the base value plus this value. If this value or the range value is left blank, the individual profiles are auto-scaled to fit into each database row’s cell.

Script Parameter: VADISPLAY.RANGE

Application Notes

Setting the windows to display will also set the windows displayed in the bottom profile view, and the windows displayed in the profile plot.