Array Channel Profile Viewer

In the database window, use the right-click menu option Array Viewer to open the Array Channel Profile Viewer tool to view and analyze Array data.

Array Channel Profile Viewer dialog options


The current channel displayed in the Array Viewer i.e. the channel selected (highlighted) in the Array database.


The current line displayed in the Array Viewer i.e. the current line in the Array database.


You can set a fixed scale and offset for the profile display windows. The default is to scale each curve independently to fill the window.

  • When you set a fixed scale in the Array Viewer and click the OK button, the scale of the Array channel profiles in the database will be updated.
  • The vertical axis may be scaled using linear, logarithmic and log-linear transforms.


    Check the Fix box to fix the scaling for all displayed data rows or fiducials. Once the scaling is fixed, some data may not appear, or be clipped to the view.


    Click the Auto button to set the Base and Range for fixed scaling, based on the currently selected data.


    Specify the base level. This is the minimum plotted value, in transformed data units.


    Specify the range level. This is the range of the data in transformed units. For example, if you wish to plot data values from 1 to 100 as log10 values, set Base = 0.0 and Range = 2.0.

    Displayed windows

    The range of windows available for display in Array Viewer.

    Select minimum and maximum indices for the windows to display. The indices go from 0 to N-1, where N is the number of windows.

    Total windows

    The total number of windows available for display.

    Selected data value

    The current data value at the specified fiducial and row.



    Click the Linear radio button to display the raw data.


    Click the Log radio button to display the data after it has been transformed using a base 10 logarithm. A Log Min value must be selected. Data values less than the log minimum are clipped to that value before being transformed.


    Click the Log/Lnr radio button to display the data using a log-linear transform. If the data is in the range +/- the log minimum, it is left alone. Otherwise, the data is divided by the minimum, the log is applied, the minimum is added and the sign is reapplied.

    Log Min

    The current Log min value. This value must be greater than zero. For a Log transform, all data values less than the log minimum are clipped to that value before being transformed. For the log-linear transform, see the notes above.

    X spacing

    The profile in the display window can be displayed either as a function of the array index, along equidistant intervals (Equal), or in case the property information is embedded in the array channel, it can be displayed as a function of the True increments. In either instance, the range is indicated along the bottom of the profile window.


    The Row section enables you to quickly scroll through Array channel data to locate a data row or fiducial by using a slider (image\ebx_-392812425.jpg) or sequentially using the arrow (image\ebx_54350533.jpg) buttons.


    The current fiducial displayed in the Array Viewer display window.