Tilt Correction

Use the Tilt Correction menu option (LVTILT GX) to create a tilt level correction channel from an error difference channel. The correction is calculated as the first order trend through the level errors (differences) at each crossing.

Create a Tilt Level Correction Channel dialog options

Level error channel

The channel that contains the error data at the line crossings. This channel is normally created by loading the corrections from a correction table using the XLEVEL GX.

Script Parameter: LVSHIFT.ERROR

Output correction channel

The name of a new channel that will be created to hold the calculated correction.

Script Parameter: LVSHIFT.OUT

Maximum error

The maximum allowable error to be considered. The errors will be clipped to (+/-) this value before a trend is calculated

Script Parameter: LVSHIFT.MAX

Process line types

"Selected" to process selected lines.

"Tie" to process tie lines. "Lines" to process normal lines.

Script Parameter: LVSHIFT.TYPE

Application Notes

Use the GX to calculate a trend (tilt) that can be removed from lines minimise levelling errors. The resulting correction channel can be subtracted from the unlevelled data using the LVCORR GX.